Love Fortune Numbers

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AN: This is not my not-so-smut chapter. I forgot I saved that for the 25th - the next one. Anyway, this is a Crack!Fic because I had too much of Gil's moony eyes of Anne with an E and Peter K's abs of TATBILB on Netflix.

XXIV. Love Fortune Numbers


It's Friday night and Kisses drags her feet across her shared city apartment into the kitchenette for a much deserved treat of leftover ice cream after work.

Her hand skims the wall for the light switch and opens the fridge. She takes the Selecta tub out of the freezer and hunts for a spoon when she notices a few sticky notes stuck on its door.

It was from her housemate, Marydale, reminding her about their shared monthly payment for the apartment, the electricity and water bills attached to it.

Kisses half-heartedly looks them over. Her salary is getting in late again and won't cut it on schedule, so she makes a mental note to borrow the money from her mother yet again later on.

She stuffs a few spoonfuls of creamy goodness on her mouth before depositing the tub back in the freezer and moved on to her evening routine. Which is basically, cleaning this morning's mess, a halfbath and hopefully a good night's sleep.

Kisses works as an accountant at a Law Firm Office downtown, she works eight hours a day, six days a week with a salary that only ever lasts her enough to live by.

And she loves it- despite the low food budget, the sharing, the everyday public commute, and all the mundane repetitive routines. Because despite all that, she's finally living her own life, one step at a time, independently. There's something really life-changing about living on your own away from your parents and doing stuff by yourself for yourself.

So she makes her way to her own bedroom, and once again thanks the lord for having such a thoughtful housemate.

Marydale had folded her dry-cleaned clothes on a neat pile on top of the bed and even emptied her wastebasket for her once again.

Marydale is a kindergarten teacher, and her number one best friend. She also works part time as a clerk on a classy restaurant in the city during MWF nights to cover for her other expenses. She works her ass off but never misses a beat in giving free smiles. And Kisses relishes on the fact that Marydale treats her like a little sister and always looks after her like an older sister should.

She picks up her phone and decides to send Marydale a text to thank her and almost forgot that her housemate had just recently changed her phone number. So she shuffles through her work table to find the pink sticky note Marydale left with her new number.

Kisses inputs it in and hits send.

Fri, 06:29 pm
Just got home and once again discovered the goodness of your heart! You are the ♥ of my life!! Marry meeee!

Kisses decides she might as well have to ask her mother for extra money to treat Marydale on a free special dinner soon.


She wakes up to her alarm blaring noisily below her pillowcase.

Kisses shuts it off without looking and prepares her day quickly and quietly, not wanting to disturb Marydale if she was sleeping in. Kisses knows she needs all the rest she could get especially after having late work nights.

The only time she turns her attention back to her phone was when she's already securely seated on the MRT to work, so imagine Kisses' surprise when she sees a series of texts from an unknown number on the screen.

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