Fast Love Delivery

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AN: This oneshot is inspired by ikeracity's X-Men: First Class fanfic 'Order Up'. It's the Cherik fanfic I didn't know I needed until I read it! So all credits are owed to her! (And Army Navy!)

XXVII. Fast Love Delivery


Kisses loves multitasking.

She loves it so much, she makes multitasking look like child's play.

But of course that doesn't mean she gets all the job done when she multitasks. More often than not she's only mechanically equip to handle three tasks at the same time.

So one Monday evening, when she re-writes her English notes, while watching a video tutorial about making a rainbow cake at Buzzfeed (for reference on her and Marydale's upcoming friendship anniversary), also while mentally adding products to her growing grocery list, she was already too busy when she dials the familiar number of Army Navy for some burritos for dinner.

"Hi. This is Army Navy. What will it be today?"

She doesn't really register the voice at the other end of the line and mechanically says, "Hi. I'd like to order a chicken burrito, with extra cheese and freedom fries, no dip and no drinks, please."

The man who takes her order informs her of her total fee, which she only belatedly hears, too busy virtually molding her own fondant that her mind hadn't been prepared when her mouth suddenly replies, "Okay, bye. I love you."

"I love you, too."

Silence. A loud, deafening silence.

Everything just completely stands still for a millisecond and then just as quickly the horror of what occurred comes back in like a boomerang.

It took Kisses another three milliseconds to realize what just happened. And her mind didn't even believe the reality of it then, not until after hearing the surprised gasp of the man at the other end of the line.

Kisses takes the phone from her ears, fingers immediately hovering to hit the red button that would end the call, then crawl on her bed to hide under the covers, but the Navy Army number was still there, flashing.

"Um.. So-so sorry about that." Kisses, now wearing a blooming red face, says while silently pulling her hair in embarrassment.

The man audibly clears his throat. "Well, don't expect me to give you a discount just because we confessed our undying love for each other."

"Ha. Hahahahaha. Of course not. Hahaha. Wouldn't dream of asking that from someone who just told me he loves me back. Hahaha. The thought is enough though. Thanks. Goodbye!"

Kisses furiously hits the red button ten times before throwing herself on the floor. That was super embarrassing! She covers her ears and shuts her eyes, a brave but weak attempt to stop her brain from replaying the embarrassing accident that just occurred second by second.

"Argh!! That did not just happen to me! No! No! No! Blah blah blah. Stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it! Blah blah blah. Argh!!!"

Half an hour of mentally berating herself later, her dinner arrives. She keeps her eyes glued to the tiled floors of her apartment complex when the delivery man comes. And keeps doing so, until he gives her her receipt and change. She runs to her room and locks the door hurriedly, mentally patting herself at the back for not embarrassing herself even more. She turns her attention to the paperbag, hungry after all that excitement, when she spies a handwritten note on the tissue paper inside.

'I added more cheese for that cheesy situation. So this will sound even cheesier: thanks for your call. It made my night. Love you.

Kisses ignores the loud thumping of her heart. And tries not to blush too hard. The burrito looks so good but then she suddenly feels too full with the butterflies fluttering wildly in her stomach.

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