Doing It Right

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AN: For LittleRoses and my so-called naysayers. Gosh I lurve that term. Not-so-Smut Alert! This is it. Tread carefully! This is still a work of fiction.

XXV. Doing It Right


Kisses' wakes up trashed. She feels like puking right then and there. She also tries to understand why every college student likes drinking so much when this is what happens as an aftermath of a few hours of alcohol high.

In all honesty, Kisses isn't particularly a heavy drinker. She never even drinks alcoholic beverages if she could help it. And the fact that she did last night and got drunk was proof that she's very much desperate to get Donny's attention on her.

A touch on her temples and a short introduction of her feet to the floor later, she swallows her third glassful of water and blames the Basketball Trio for every little disaster that had happened on her life so far.

Only, she knows for a fact that she could not entirely blame them. She was the one who asked for the boys' guidance in the first place. And she doesn't know if they should follow through with the experiments anymore.


Two Weeks Earlier

"I want to ask your help with Donny."

Tony drags her away from the busy cafeteria and sits her down seriously. "What about?"

Kisses squirms from her seat. "Erm. Well, Donny, he... he won't touch me."

"And you want me to help you...what? Seduce him? Kisses, sorry to point it out like this but you know I'm a man right?"

"I know! But everybody says how you're an expert with girls and stuff." She pleads him to understand the kind of help she's asking with her eyes.

And Tony just seems a whole lot amused. "Let me try again. You want me to help you seduce your boyfriend because I'm an expert with girls and I know what boys like? That's what this awkward conversation is all about, isn't it?"

"Exactly. Can you please help me?"


Kisses should have expected it. But she was still quite surprised when that question landed her trapped inside the basketball clubroom at that same afternoon. With three of the basketball club members peering at her curiously, assessing every aspect of her physical appearance and personality, in an attempt to figure out why their lucky teammate wouldn't touch his pretty girlfriend.

It was Edward who broke the silence first. "How many bases have you covered?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

Tony looks more and more amused in the sidelines. "You know. First Base. Second Base. Third Base... okay, so you don't know. Who wants to explain?"

Marco raised his hand. "Pretty girl, First Base means kissing a lot. Second Base means kissing plus groping and touching a lot. Third Base means being being wet and thirsty a lot. And Homerun, well, s-e-x. A lot."

Kisses stores that knowledge in the Too Much Information box in her brain.

Tony cackles, "So which base have you been on?"

Kisses stares at him wide-eyed. How to answer that...

Edward sends a warning glare to Tony's insensitive question and Tony tries a different approach. "How long have you two been together?"

"Almost a year this September."

"And you haven't done anything?"

"Not even say a kiss for Kisses?" Marco teases.

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