chapter 13

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waterloo sunset the kinks

waterloo sunset the kinks

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I took an off-road route and we ended up on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. There were green trees encircling us and a cliff overlooking the vast valley covered in trees and hills that went on into infinity. My smile was so wide my cheeks were hurting.

The sun was almost down, and the sky was a hue of light pinks and purples. Luna was sleeping soundly with her head leaning against the window. Before I could realize what I was doing, my hand reached over and pushed some of Luna's behind her ear.

What am I doing? I can't like Luna.

I pushed my intruding thoughts out and popped open the back door and laid out the big comforters to make soft bedding. Then I lined the sides with pillows, laid out the fuzzy blankets, and moved all the suitcases and duffle bags into the front.

"Sebastian?" Luna chirped quietly. She turned around and looked back to where I was sitting on the bed.

"I made up the bed for you. I'll sleep in the front," I said.

"I can't make you sit up there. Your back and neck will ache so bad you won't be able to drive. And I can't drive so we'd be stuck here essentially," she chuckled. She came to the back and put her hands on her hips as she stared at the bed, perplexed.

I looked at Luna's wrist and the back of her hand, purple and blue bruises took the places of where her needles were.

"It looks big enough for two. We can just stay on our own sides." She shrugged and grabbed the duffle bag.

"Hopefully there are some comfy things in here for bed." She smiled and left, looking through the bag of clothes that Adam haphazardly put together.

I decided I would sleep in a black t-shirt and some shorts, and I peeled back the covers and got in. I was instantly warm, and Luna came back soon. She was wearing a white t-shirt and some blue pyjama pants. Even in some old pyjamas, she was beautiful.

Luna climbed up into the back and grabbed the handle, pulling the door shut.

When Luna got under the blankets I could feel the heat radiating off of her.

"Now, you better keep your hands to yourself," she said sternly.

"But, that will be almost impossible."

"Oh, will it now?" she asked.

"Obviously," I blushed, but it was a little dark for her to see.

She put her hands behind her head and sighed. "It's absolutely beautiful."

I looked at the view we had out of the back of the car, and she was right, it was breathtaking.

"We have a big day tomorrow," I said, "we should get some sleep."

"Where are we headed tomorrow?" She asked, turning towards me.

"The ocean."

"I've always loved the ocean. I have never seen it in real life but, obviously, you can fall in love with anything without having to see it."

"You're absolutely right," I said.

"Well, big day. Goodnight Sebastian." She turned over so her back was facing me.



a/n: I hope you liked this chapter💞

a/n: I hope you liked this chapter💞

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