the end

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Hello, there my dear fellow reader. Before I start, I want to say you're beautiful. I love you. Thank you for making it this far.

Thank you for sticking through to the end through the ups and downs of Luna and Sebastian's life, the illnesses, and the many grammar, spelling and plot hole mistakes. I tried to do the end as much justice as possible, so please give me feedback as to whether the ending was satisfying :)

I know in all my author's notes I always said thank you but I really do want to address that right now I'm just so incredibly emotional and happy and overwhelmed with all the love this story has received.

So many of you voted and commented and you were there through it all. I love all of you so so so so so so much. You made my dream come true.

I came up with this story and these characters by myself. I created Sebastian and Luna and Adam and Gus and everyone else and I love all of them dearly. I love all of YOU dearly. You are all so incredible I love you all so much.

You have been the best. You inspired me to keep writing. This has been my favorite book to write.

While I took my mini-break, I reached 30,000???? That's insane. That's literally crazy. I'm so grateful. It's indefinable.

Okay, I'm done crying now (no I am not). One last huge thank you, one last huge I LOVE YOU.

The End.

The Sea, The Stars, and Luna | ✓ The Watty's 2019Where stories live. Discover now