Chapter 41 - Definition of Love

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Nishant's eyes widened with shock as his brain registered the image in front of him. He was sleeping next to Rushali with his arm around her.

When did this happen?

His gaze shifted from the photo to Aparna and he realised her reason for coming here. But, he wasn't able to move at all. All he could register is the look of pain in her eyes. He wanted to wipe her tears off and reassure her that this was not true but he was completely immobilised.

Aparna threw the photograph away and rushed towards him.

"Please tell me this is not true," she said grabbing the lapels of his coat shaking him hard.

When he did not reply, she palmed his face and said in a low voice, "I trust you but I just want to know. Please, Nishant. This can't be true. Please say it isn't."

Nishant closed his eyes as he heard her, relieved that she hadn't believed otherwise.


His one single no was enough for her. The confused thoughts and fear in her mind eased suddenly. As everything calmed down inside, a new fear took hold of her.

When this wasn't true then, why did Rushali give this to her?

Oh my god!

Is she going to take him away from her?

Nishant grabbed her in his arms and she slowly slid to the floor as the thought of losing him centred in her mind.

"I am not going anywhere. Nobody can take me away from you. Nobody," he said holding her tightly.

"She showed me pictures of us together in Tosh. She even had Prakriti photographed outside her school. God, Nishant."

As she sobbed with fear, his mind became clogged with anger.

Rushali Sharma, you have finally crossed your limit.

"I know you will not let anything happen to Prakriti. But, Nishant what about you? What if she does something to you?" Aparna asked him clutching his arms anxiously.

Nishant looked into her and saw her distress for him. There were no words that could describe the feeling inside him right now. His heart beat increased hearing her panicked words.

Even after seeing him in Rushali's arms, she hadn't believed it. She wasn't concerned about Prakriti but was worried about him.

Oh, God, Aparna. Love in not in those three words but love is what I see in your eyes right now. Love is what I hear in your voice now.

Love is what I feel beating inside me, inside you.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he felt her love flooding his being.

"I promise nothing would ever happen to me," said Nishant, tears clogging his throat as he looked into her wonderful eyes.

Aparna took his pain-stricken face in her palms and wiped off his tears.

"I won't let anyone take you away from me ever," she said hugging him with all her might.

Dhruv looked on and smiled but his smile disappeared the moment his gaze fell on the photograph lying on the ground. He opened the other envelopes and looked at the rest of the pictures.

Was it only this or did Rushali have any other plans?

Something major was cooking up. He has to have a word with Nishant about all this.

"Guys, you need to get out of these wet clothes," he said as he put all the photographs inside the envelopes.

Nishant sighed and got up along with Aparna, who was shivering badly by now. Quickly, he guided her towards his bedroom. Giving her some of his clothes, he gestured her to change. The moment she went inside the washroom, he opened the bedroom door and strode towards the bar, where Dhruv was sitting with the envelopes.

"There is definitely something wrong," Nishant said as Dhruv looked at him.

"Nishant, all these photographs have been taken for a reason. However, right now we do not have any option but to wait."

"Keep them with you. Let's sit with them tomorrow."

Dhruv smiled and squeezed his best friend's shoulder. As he got down from the stool and started to walk, he looked back and said with a smirk, "She does love you."

Nishant just nodded and poured two drinks for him and her.

Aparna sat down on the bed adjusting the t-shirt and pyjamas given by Nishant. Her thoughts were still on the photos.

Why did Rushali show her the photographs?

That one picture she could understand, but why the others?

What did Rushali have in mind?

She was still thinking about these things when Nishant walked in the room.

Extending his hand, he offered her the drink.

"Have this. It will make you feel warm," he said sitting down on the chair next to the bed.

As she took a sip, the pungent taste almost made her puke but as the liquid went down her throat, she felt its warmth spreading in her body. She put down the glass and raised her eyes towards Nishant and found him looking all tensed. He must be thinking the same things she was mulling over. But, right now he needed to get out of his wet clothes.

Slowly a smile spread on her face as she kept on watching him. It had been more than a fortnight they had been together and now with him in front of her, she wanted to touch him again more than anything. He had already taken off his coat and rolled up his sleeves exposing his arms. Aparna bit her lip as she remembered the feel of them around her.

As he took a sip of the amber liquid, a small droplet slipped along his lips, down his chin and he wiped it off with the back of his hand. Suddenly Aparna wanted to be that hand. She wanted to be the glass his fingers were encircling. She wanted to be the rain water in his hair. She wanted to be the amber liquid, which was warming his body slowly.

Most of all she wanted to be his clothes, which were touching every single part of his body.

"Take off your shirt."

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

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