Chapter 87 - Memories Don't Let Go

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Months passed as both of them got engrossed in their individual work. Aparna being busy more than usual with the new work assigned to her did not get enough time for herself let alone think about him. The designs took most of her time: their rectifications being crucial.

Prakriti had already started school and that meant she had to somehow finish her work before her daughter came home and when she was home everything revolved around her. So thinking about herself was completely out of question.

But still, every night when Prakriti went off to sleep and Aparna sat down near the window with her laptop, her thoughts wavered around him. While sometimes she shook them off but sometimes she would just give in. And then the painful fact of feeling him all around her would overwhelm her keeping her awake for hours aching for more.

For Nishant, the situation was no better than usual. His days were completely packed with work owing to a new project from Chawla's but his nights were the ones that he dreaded the most. Nothing really helped; neither work nor alcohol.

Sometimes he would just stay out all night driving around the city to calm his nerves but would come back when exhaustion took the best of him. His workaholic side helped him a lot nowadays as people around him stopped observing him when he was alone knowing well that nothing drove him more than work.

No one caught him sad or mulling over things again and again, which was sometimes a good part but most of the times it left him completely drained. But as the door of his room closed every night he would give in. Sometimes twisting on the sofa while he tried his best to sleep; sometimes taking cold showers, and sometimes just breathing in and out clutching the railings of the balcony for effort.

But most of the times, just sitting on the sofa and staring at the bed seeing her sleeping next to him and feeling the emptiness around.

It was 11 in the night when Aparna closed her laptop and got up. As she was closing the balcony door, her eye caught a movement sideways. She went out to the balcony and looked here and there but found nothing. Thinking it must have been a trick of her mind; she closed the door and went off to sleep.


A lone figure moved and crossed the street. Before he disappeared into the shadows of the night, he looked back at the closed door of the balcony and smiled devilishly.

Retribution was definitely not far away.


Time passed at a faster pace than usual and eventually, July rolled in with its hot air and humid temperature. Nishant's heart was pregnant with the memories of the last 9 months and the weather outside seemed to complement its heaviness.

He pressed his temples as he got up from the chair. Connecting his laptop to the projector, he looked at the design sent by the Chawla's. It was a huge project so they wanted both Rajput Constructions and Naik Builders to work on it jointly.

He smiled the moment he thought about Siddha and Sid. Both the brothers had been there for him whenever he needed them. Now working on the same project together was like a dream come true for him. He was still staring at the design blankly when Dhruv walked in.

Dhruv looked at him closely and then shook his head.

"Wake up!"

Just as he heard him, Nishant just smiled. Dhruv had almost been a pillar in his life. No matter what the situation he was there.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a meeting with the Chawla's?" Nishant asked getting up.

"I am just leaving. Just needed your initials on these papers."

Nishant signed and went back to his work.

"I hope you remember that we have a meeting with Rajput Constructions on 12th."

"Yep! I do."

Leaving Nishant fully engrossed in his designs, Dhruv walked out.


Sid was sitting in his office looking through the design rectifications sent by Aparna. No doubt, she was good. Her suggestions were doing loads of good for the company but every time he met her, he felt a certain type of uneasiness in her. It seemed as if she wanted to ask something but stopped herself. Sighing, he was about to sent the designs to the architectural team when his phone rang.

"Hi!" he heard Aparna say from the other side.

"Hey, good that you called. I have seen the designs and they are brilliant."

"Oh! Thanks. But, Sid what about the next batch?"

"Oh yes, right. See, you will need to come down to the office for that. Hope that's okay?" Sid asked looking at his calendar and checking his appointments.

"Ya, that's cool."

"Great, then do one thing, come down by 3 pm. I'll give you rest of the designs along with the project plans."

Getting an affirmative from Aparna, he disconnected the call and dialled Dhruv's number.


Nishant along with Dhruv, Naresh Naik and Vikrant arrived at Rajput Constructions by 3:00 pm in the afternoon. They were shown to Siddha's office where they waited for Naina Chawla and Sid to arrive.

Everybody was chatting about the project but Nishant somehow was feeling extremely uncomfortable. He kept on looking at the door of the room as if there was something, which was beckoning him outside. But he kept still, not knowing why he was feeling so out of place all of a sudden. He was about to get up when Sid came in apologising for his delay followed by Naina.

Gradually all of them started towards the conference room and Sid pulled Dhruv away from the group.

"She just left."

"What?" Dhruv exclaimed in a hushed tone.

"I couldn't stop her."

"Couldn't you have brought her to Siddha Bhaiya's office?" Dhruv asked looking at him angrily.

"She was in a hurry. I couldn't."


Suddenly both of them felt Nishant looking at them and quickly they hurried towards him.

Nishant waited for the others to enter the conference room and then stepped inside.

And, froze.

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

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