Chapter 51 - Parts We Crave

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Nishant grabbed her the moment she entered the hall again. Caressing her face, he was about to lower his lips to her when the noise around distracted them.

Aparna looked into his eyes and said, "Let's eat."

He smiled and guided her towards the food stalls. But before he could join her, someone called his name. Excusing himself, he gestured her to get the food.

Everything that Aparna tasted was either too spicy or full of chillies. Putting the plate down, she looked from one dish to another.

How will Nishant eat all this?

Quickly, she picked up another plate and one by one placed items feasible for him.

"Done?" she heard him say from behind.


Picking up her plate, she gave him his and both went out in the balcony.

As Nishant sat down on the bench, he looked down at his plate and saw only fruits and sweets. He glanced at hers and saw proper food.

"What's all this?" he asked frowning.

"You won't be able to eat this," she replied gesturing to her plate.


Without answering, she mixed the rice with some gravy and offered it to him.

The moment the rice hit his palette, its spiciness and heat burned his tongue and mouth. Quickly he gulped it down and looked for something to soothe the effect.

Aparna suppressed a smile and took a huge spoonful of ice cream from his plate and shoved it inside his mouth.

Nishant sighed as the burning ceased. He looked at her and watched her as she ate her food. He must have done something good to deserve someone like her.

They finished their food and left.

After a silent drive of an hour they reached Nishant's apartment. He gestured her to go upstairs as he started to park the car.

Aparna was standing near the balcony door when he came inside the bedroom. Her mind was totally occupied with the things that had happened since she had entered Naik Villa.

Nishant looked at her stiff back and understood everything. He took off his coat and came, and stood behind her.

As she felt his breathe on her shoulders, she rested her body against his. He circled his arms around her and Aparna felt at home again. All she wanted was to be in his arms and nowhere else.

Bur what if she lost him?

Just as the thought registered in her mind, she shivered. She turned around and engulfed him in her arms.

Nishant clutched her hard to himself understanding well enough the turmoil. As her lips grazed against his ears, he groaned hard. Slowly her lips slipped past his cheek and landed on his lips.

Somehow words were not enough to convey what their hands and eyes spoke. They wanted to feel skin against skin and nothing else at all. Clothes fell away as their need and passion reached new heights. Soft caresses were replaced with wild and feverish touches.

Sounds of their passionate hunger echoed through the night shattering the silence.


Rushali stopped at a deserted by lane and waited. When nobody came even after 15 minutes, she decided to leave. Just as she started her car, someone tapped at the driver's window.

The moment she lowered the window, her face slanted in a sly smile.


After a month, Aparna started off for Darjeeling as Prakriti's vacations had started. Finally her daughter will be here with her. As the car approached her daughter's school, Avinash and Keshav came smiling towards her. Nishant's security men had been here since months guarding Prakriti. She smiled the moment she saw them knowing too well they were the main reason why Prakriti was still unharmed.


Nishant sighed and rested his head against the chair. Even though his days were packed with meetings but still he missed her terribly. In the past one month, they had only been together for couple of days. Something or the other had come up and both of them had rushed to sort things out. And, to top it all his over anxious mind played tricks on him every now and then. Be it night or day, he would imagine the worst of scenarios every time he had no news of her whereabouts.

Like right now, he had stopped working thinking about whether she had reached Darjeeling safely or not. He was about to pick up his phone to call her when it beeped. Reading the message, he let out a sigh of relief.

Just one more night, Nishant Naik and you would be with her. And, yes his princess.


Battling bad weather and then a flight delay, Aparna reached Delhi by 11 in the morning. As she collected her and Prakriti's baggage, she felt someone's eyes on them. Suspiciously she looked around but found no one.

"Anything wrong?"

She turned and smiled seeing the face, which had never left her dreams for a minute.

Prakriti squealed with joy as she saw Nishant. She ran to him and he engulfed her in a bear hug the moment she reached him.

"Hi, princess!"

"Where is my chocolate?" she asked searching his pockets.

"No chocolate," said Aparna as she came near them.

Once their bags were loaded in the car, they started off.

Nishant looked at her as she tried her best to stop Prakriti from lowering the window.

"I want to go in front," Prakriti said frowning.

Silently, Nishant picked her up and transferred her to Avinash who was sitting in the front seat.

Aparna placed her hand on his the moment her daughter started chatting amiably.

He clasped her hand and smiled.

Even though there were no words exchanged still they understood each other. Their messed fingers and caressing thumbs were enough to communicate the emotions raging inside them.

"We need to get her enrolled in one of the schools here," Nishant said looking fondly at Prakriti.

As Aparna smiled, he leaned towards her a little and whispered, "I know you are thinking the same. I'll take care of it. I can't bear to stay away from you guys now."

She squeezed his hand in affirmation as words failed her. She must have done something good to deserve someone like him.


A man gestured to the car standing far away from the entrance of the airport just as Nishant and Aparna left. As it came near, he spoke to the lowered window and then started walking to the taxi waiting in the stand.

The other car waited till the taxi started to move and then it sped off in the other direction. 

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

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