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"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"I'm awake!" I sit upright on my bed, rubbing my eyes, "Fuck, what time is it?"

"It's 8:36am" Liam says sitting down.

"Fuck Liam, why are you here so early"

"Because today is your special day and we're spending it together and we're gonna do hella fucking cute shit together and you're going to fucking like it"

I groan and lay back down. It's too early to do anything...I don't want to get out of bed until like one in the afternoon.

"Get up Zayn" Liam says as he pulls at my arm.

I groan again. This kid just won't stop.

"I won't leave until you get out of that bed"

"You're so determined to get me out of bed, why is that?"

"Because it's your fucking birthday you shit. I have the whole entire day planned and we need to be out of this house by 10 if we want to finish everything on time" Liam says crossing his arms.

"I never asked you to plan an entire day for me"

"You didn't have to. I know you wanted it" Liam smiles and I couldn't help myself but to smile along with him.

Liam is so sweet and kind and he's just this huge bundle of joy. How did I ever get so lucky to have such a man? I hope our relationship lasts a life time, have one of those love stories to tell our grandchildren.

"Ugh fine, I'll get up" I say, giving in. Liam claps his hands and get out of bed.

"Awesome! Okay, I'll be waiting outside" Liam says leaving my bedroom, he closes the door on his way out.

I let out a big sigh, I love the attention Liam is giving me, like it's great finally nice having someone that shows me love and affection and gives me the attention I deserve. I wish I could do the same for him but I just don't know a single thing about the guy. It seems like he knows more about me than I know about him and it's honestly making me feel kinda guilty. Guilty that he's doing all of this and I have no way to repay him. Maybe I should get to know him a lot more today. The only thing I know about Liam is his age. Nothing else.

Wow, am I bad a boyfriend?

I shake away the thought, I'm not going down that rabbit hole again, I've had way too much self discrimination in my life time and I don't need anymore. Especially on my birthday. But I know I'm bound to do it again.

Getting out of bed, I look outside my bedroom window into the street of the neighborhood. Quiet. No commotion, just the radiant sun and scattered clouds with the occasional bird flying by. I see Liam leaning against his car using his phone and I decide to give him a little surprise. I go to my nightstand and grab my phone, I go back to the window and take a picture of Liam.

Zayn: who is the hottie in my driveway?

Liam: holy shit it's me

Zayn: yea and he is mine

Liam: woa, i'm property now

Liam: definitely did not consent to that

Zayn: i cant let such a hot piece of ass walking around by himself, someone could kidnap you. i have to claim what's mine.

Liam: aww babe

Zayn: shut up i'm trying to be intimidating and i cant do that while im blushing

Liam: AWWWW BABE !!!

Zayn: holy shit

Liam looks up and we lock eyes, I see him smile and wave. I smile back. Gosh today is going to be such a great day, I can just feel it.

• • • • •

In the car, Liam fixes his hair.

"Your hair is perfect Liam"

"Okay yeah but like, looking at yours makes me feel a bit insecure about mine. Yours just flows perfectly without you even trying" Liam says while looking at me.

I look back and we just stare at each other for a minute. Just the sound of our heartbeats and breathing making music.

"So uh we should get going to where ever you're kidnapping me to" I say breaking the moment.

"Yeah we should" Liam says as he starts the engine.

We drive through the city, taking multiple turns, going in all directions. I think we might have even left the city itself for a while. Was Liam purposely doing this or is this part of the plan? An answer would be nice, I've just been sitting here listening to the change of songs on the radio and Liam's occasional groan.

"We have arrived" Liam says.

I look out the window and notice that we're in a farm.

"Whose farm is this?"

"It's my aunt's. I asked her if we could use it"

"Use it for what exactly?"

"So we can ride the horses obviously"


"You said you wanted to ride a horse right? Well here we are" Liam says as he gets out the car, I follow along.

I never thought he would do this. This is so, I just, I can't explain how happy I am right now? Like my inner child is jumping with excitement and joy and what makes it all the better is that Liam was the one to give me this gift.

"Wow... I just... Wow" Were the only things that could come out of my mouth at this point.

"Let's go" Liam says and he grabs my wrist, dragging me with him.

We go to the stables to find a woman brushing one of the horse's mane. That must be his aunt.

"Aunt Jillian" Liam says and the woman turns around.

"Liam, sweetie, you made it. I was just finishing cleaning up Stella and Rosco" His aunt said, brushing off the hairs from her shirt. "And this must be Zayn" She says and she comes in for a hug, "I'm much of a hugger. So you guys ready?"

"Ready as can be" Liam says.

"Well then saddle up" Liam's aunt says and we both walk over to the horses.

"You want Rosco? He's more tame than Stella" Liam says.

"Yeah sure. I don't want to die riding a horse"

Liam laughs and it took me a minute before realizing why he was laughing.

"You're a pig, that wasn't even remotely close to being sexual" I said.

"Who said anything about it being sexual?" Liam said through his laugh.

"Just kill me now please"

"You boys ready or what? We can't just let this perfectly good day go to waste" Jillian says breaking up the moment.

"We're going" Liam responds.

I walk over to Rosco, a white stallion, and start running my hand through his mane. He's so shy. Maybe it's because I'm shy. Can animals really sense human emotions?

"You ready Zayn?" Jillian asks.

"Yep" I said and she helped me climb on. The whole world seems different from up here.

We head out the stables and I could see Liam already riding his way into the sunset. Well, to be exact, the midday sun.

"Hurry up!" Liam shouts and Rosco starts making his way towards Liam, "You ready?"

"What are we doing?"

"Racing of course"

"Liam it's my first time, I don't want to die. Especially on my birthday"

"Don't worry, I won't let that happen" Liam says and he flashes a smile.

"I hope you're right"

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