sixty two

373 12 2

"Zayn?" I heard Gigi's voice from downstairs. This girl is really persistent and won't stop until she gets what she wants. It seemed only a couple weeks ago when we were going through a "break up" and she spent most of her time with Liam. It's fine though, there's only one of her and two of us so I understand if she can't be there for me all the time. I'm sure Gigi is trying her best to juggle two unstable teenagers who are hopelessly in love with each other.

"Zayn?" Gigi's voice got louder as he got closer to my room.

The door opens and she walks in and her face instantly screams disgust, "Holy shit who died in here?"

"I did" I responded from under my blanket.

"Fuck Zayn, have you even gotten out of bed for the past two days? We've missed you at school and preparations for the prom" She says and sits down on the edge of my bed.

"I just don't feel so good right now. I feel like my soul and body have become two different entities and my physical self is left behind here to rot while my soul goes on and escapes from the pain" My voice sounded raspy, I've barely done any talking. The only words to come out of my mouth in the past two days were "Bacon" and "Orange juice."

Gigi looks at me with a blank stare, "You're incredibly poetic, ya know that right?"

"Thanks, I try my best"

"When are you getting out of bed? Hell, why are you even in bed?"

"Because I tried to talk to Liam and it didn't go as I expected and now I want to cry and die alone in my room. I'll be swallowed up by the darkness from the inside out anyways, I'm just trying to quicken the pace" I said, with the words leaving a small sting to my heart. It's as if saying it out loud makes it true and when it's true, there's no taking it back.



"Well you should rise to the occasion and become the hero we never knew we needed. You're Zayn fucking Malik. Everyone loves you" Gigi says and she pats my back, then rubbing it softly.

"Not Liam"

"Oh please, that boy is so in love with you he doesn't even want to admit it but everyone knows" Gigi says.

"Stop trying to get my hopes up. I've lost all will power" I said and cover myself with the blanket.

"Zayn listen to me. Liam loves you."

"Well if he did then why the hell isn't he here huh? Why hasn't he broken up with Toby and chosen me? Why the fuck are we playing around with each others feelings when we're so far apart?" I say, kind of shouting. It's like she's provoking me.

"Get out of bed and we'll go talk to him then. You'll make the first move" Gigi says and stands up from the bed.

"No... I don't want to go anywhere" I respond, feeling myself tear up. I've also been crying nonstop these past two days because I don't know what else to do. I miss him and I love him and it hurts me to know that he's off better with someone else.

"Zayn I will drag you out of bed"

"Do it. I won't get out myself"

I feel two hands on my legs and next thing I know, I'm on the floor.

"Now go shower" Gigi demands, "I'll be downstairs" and she leaves the room.

Being on the floor feels kinda nice. Maybe I can fall asleep here and have a good time. No Zayn you have to see Liam. Right, him. I don't want to, I mean I do desperately want to see him but the motivation to actually go through with it is practically nonexistent. He might be waiting for you, that's enough to motivate you. Shut up brain you don't know what you're talking about.

I get up from the floor and head to the shower. I strip down and look at myself in the mirror. My face looks completely fucked up and every muscle in my body aches from not moving it for two days. But I feel great. I sigh and turn on the hot water.

Time to think about my life for the next half hour.

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