sixty seven

373 17 2



We both sat in silence, starring at each other. The others are probably anxious to find out what we're going to say. Hell even I'm anxious to find out. It's like we're in that decisive moment in the movie that will alter the course of history forever...and it all falls on the both of us. Thinking about it like that, really puts everything in to question: Why now? and What would our friends think? or How will we deal with the past? and Is this the right decision? There's too many questions to think about all the possible ways this story of Liam and I would go.

"Are either of you going to say anything? We've been waiting months" Louis says as he groans.

"Louis, just leave them alone. Give then time" Harry said trying to restrain Louis.

"They both had more than enough time to think of a way to forgive each other and they cannot say they haven't thought about it because both of them talk to me about it. So clearly they're just trying to avoid the truth." Gigi says and she gets up from her seat and goes back to the kitchen for her third glass.

"She's right" Liam's voice surprised me.

"You really think she's right?" I ask, well knowing that she is right.

"I mean what are we doing Zayn? We keep circling back to each other but we both refuse to admit that we want to be together. It's like we're addicted to each other" Liam starts to say, and I can tell there's more coming.

"Zayn, I love you more than you can imagine and the amount of times I thought about saying I do to only you but knowing that we're never going to get the chance drives me insane. I want you Zayn. The only future I see includes you. This sounds like a proposal but I promise I'm not going to propose right now, just wait until we're both in the right state of mind. Right now all I'm saying is that you, Zayn Malik, are the love of my fucking life and I would kill to have you be mine."

Liam's speech moves me to tears as I feel my heart fill with warmth and my stomach bursting with butterflies. Complete happiness comes over me and I just want to jump on Liam and kiss his beautiful face.

"Liam, you're a fucking idiot. I'm only saying that because I love you. I know that what I did broke you and made you lose trust for everything but... I deeply regret it and would never repeat the same mistake twice, especially with you. You are my one and only true love that I will forever treasure in my heart no matter what happens, no matter how bad things get."

"Zayn, you're a god, even if you did the most horrible thing, I don't think that's even going to stop me from wanting to be with you. I mean look how much we snuck around, look how much we tried to fall back together. I don't exactly know why, but I think that's just the universe saying 'You two need to fuck and make up and marry each other' but that's just me" Liam says as he wipes away some tears.

"God fucking dammit Liam. You are so good at making me cry" I say as I too wipe away tears from my face.

"You're welcome"

"What are we going to do now?"

"I don't know. Well that's a lie, what I really want to do is go back in time and stop you from cheating or at least tell you that everything will turn out alright in the end... but that's impossible and science has yet to catch up to that idea" Liam says and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"You know how many mistakes I could fix with that ability?" I say thinking of the all the possible ways my life could be different, wanting to do all the things that I've wanted to do and stop myself from doing the things that I regret now.

"In all seriousness though, I can't quite fully forgive you for what you did. No matter how much I want to move past this, I can't. It's all still fresh in my brain and there has been no possible way for me to forget about it; leave it in the past."

"I know and I'm really, truly, extremely sorry" Was the only thing I could say, because how else am I supposed to explain to him how deeply sorry I am for what I did? If someone does know, please tell me, because I want Liam to be able to look at me and not feel ashamed for taking me back. I want to make this second chance the last one before we spend the rest of our lives together. Although a shit ton more obstacles can present themselves and who knows, the tables might turn and Liam could be me---he has already cheated on Toby. 

Then it hit me. 

"What about Toby?"

The silence fills the room and I can hear the crickets outside. 

"Fuck. I didn't give thought to that"

"I can't believe you forgot about the most important person in all of this, like what kind of people are you?" Gigi says in between giggles. We all look at her, maybe she has had too much to drink.

"I think you've had too much to drink Gigi" Harry says and takes the cup out of her hands.

I look at Liam as he uses his phone. The beauty of Liam's face hits me yet again. How adorable and cute and handsome and hot he can be all at once, I know I've said it multiple times but Liam is a God and he can literally be the hottest man on Earth and I would be able to say He's mine. 

Liam is mine. Or more like he'll soon be mine.

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