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Niall: hey

Niall: hey its me

Niall: now that we have a common denominator we can probably do something together ya know....

Niall: like go out and do things together, just you and me

Niall: idk just something to think about if you're up for it


Niall: ????

Zayn: you expect me to just be able to forgive you just like that AND you expect me to go out and do THINGS with you? who the fuck do you think i am? i might be an idiot, but i'm not stupid. i would not stoop low enough to have liam witness me and you together. we are not having that.

Niall: it was just something to think about...

Zayn: forget it niall, you've caused so much damage to all of us and i cant even begin to fathom a world where you would be in the right and where i would be with you

Niall: damn okay im sorry geez

Niall: sorry i asked

Zayn: right

Niall: right.........


• • • • •

why do i make niall into such a shitty asshole... and a hoe at that, like holy crap

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