twenty five

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If's Valentine's Week and everyone has been in a deeper love than the rest of the year, and surprisingly that's the only topic of interest at the moment. At every group you pass by all you hear is "What are you doing for Valentine's Day?" or "What are you getting him/her?" There is no more important holiday than this one to the rest of the school. Christmas is just but a kid's joy.

I however, have fallen victim for this Valentine's fever. Worrying what Liam might think of me when I get him the most cheesiest and expectable gift on the planet: chocolate and roses. I just don't know what to get him. I don't want to go over the top, but maybe he likes that. But also I don't want to go too basic, but maybe he like that also. I don't know how much love Liam wants me to show for valentine's day. We haven't even discussed the topic at all, it's been put aside every time one of us brings it up.

It's funny though, because he's the one that does the grand gestures in the relationship. He's the one that goes over the top to show how much he loves me. With the surprises, the rendezvous, the gifts, everything. But I can't seem to find a way to show him how much I love him.

"So Zayn, what are you getting Liam?" Niall said as he sat down next to me under the tree.

"I have no fucking clue"

"I have an idea"

"I'm not giving him a sex toy" I said before Niall could say anything.

"Well not exactly a sex toy, but just yourself" Niall said.

"Wait, you want me to give myself to Liam? Give up my virginity to him for Valentine's Day? That should be my gift to him?" I asked, making sure I heard those words that came out of his mouth right.


"We've been dating for almost two months now Niall, I can't just give up my virginity like that"

"Oh come on, it's not that big of a deal. Sex is meant to be fun and with many different people" Niall said, trying to support his claim.

"To you, but maybe not to me" I said, shifting in my seat in the car.

Niall looks at me and shakes his head. I'm sorry but I can't just give up my virginity like that, we're still too early in the relationship. I want to save it for when it's actually a special time. I obviously want it to be with Liam, but if I can't then I at least have to feel secure and trusting with whoever it is.

"Thanks for giving me a ride" I said getting out of the car.

"No problem, and just think about it okay? I promise you it'll be fun" Niall said with a smile on his face.

"Goodbye Niall" I responded, waving him off and walking towards the front door. Before I could find the key there is a woman rushing out.

"Hello and goodbye" She says and rushes out of the front yard. My mind jumps to the one conclusion I did not want to think about.

"Father!" I shout and I hear his heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

He clears his throat, "Yes Zayn?"

"Who was that?"

"Who was who"

"That woman that ran out of the house"

"Don't have any idea on who you're talking about" My dad said and he walked over to the couch, sitting down and turning on the TV.

"If that's the game we're gonna play, then so be it" I said and I walked out of the house. I take out my phone and debate on who should I call for this. Looking at my contact list it's obvious on who to call but I don't need a therapist to tell me that it's good that my dad is moving on and has gotten out of his rut and I should learn to live with it because this is a part of life and everyone needs a little change. I don't need any of that. What I need right now is for someone to just take my side—even if it's a lie—and support me for this.

"Turn the car around, I've changed my mind"

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