sixty five // zayn

378 14 1

We're on our way to Liam's house and my anxiety is shooting through the roof right now. The closer we get, the more I feel my heart beat faster and my palms get sweatier. Confrontation is really not my strongest quality but it's what I need to feel closure from all this. Yes I want Liam but at the same time, this toxic relationship is going to destroy me emotionally and mentally before I even realize it's too late. It's either fix everything wrong between us or continue this vicious cycle.

We pull up on his driveway.

"Gigi, I don't want to go in"

"Zayn, you have to talk to Liam. Sort out everything between you two and get back together so you guys can have sexy babies together. Okay? That's the goal, the dream." Gigi says as a way to convince me.

I look at her with a are just serious look and stare back at Liam's door. When I walk into those doors, it's gonna be hell. All the demons are going to get loose and everything will come to an end, either literally or metaphorically. The thought of confronting Liam when he clearly doesn't want to talk is eating me up inside, and the more I spend inside this car, the more anxious I get but walking towards that door will kill me first. Is there another way we can do this? Like, we don't have to confront each other like this, maybe we can like, call each other or something and work some sort of agreement to never see each other again.

"Zayn, how long are you gonna sit there for? Do I have to drag you out of the car too?" Gigi interrupts my thoughts and it seems pretty obvious that she's starting to get annoyed by this kid's game.

"I'm going" I say and just as I was going to open the door, another car pulls up, "Who's that?"

Gigia and I look back and notice that it's Louis and Harry.

"Did you call them here too?" I asked and Gigi shook her head no.

"I have no idea why they're here. Maybe Liam or Toby called them over, it is their house anyways" Gigi said.

"Great now I'm going to have a grand audience with the harshest critics" I said, sinking into my seat.

I heard a knock on the window and see that it's Harry. I rolled down the window to hear what he has to say.

"Hi Zayn"


"What's wrong?"

"You see, Gigi is forcing me to go into Liam's house and confront him about what happened that night at the party, problem is, Liam doesn't want to talk to me and I'm still left in the dark about what happened"

"Oh..." Harry said, clearly not knowing what to say.

"Well that's great for Gigi" Louis said from the other side, "Your sorry ass needs to stop whining and complaining and get inside already. I haven't seen any Ziam action in a long time, I'm going through a drought here. Plus you're being unreasonable, Liam loves you no matter what"

"Thank you!" Gigi said, she's glad someone else finally agrees with her.

"Ugh, you guys won't let me live in peace" I said as I step out of the car.

I'm not going to spend an hour inside that car debating whether or not I should confront my biggest demon. It's going to drive me insane.

I march up to the door and the rest of the gang follows behind me. I ring the doorbell and I could hear Louis already getting excited for what's about to unfold.

The door opens and Liam is revealed to be only in a towel. My heart goes crazy and my thoughts go somewhere they are not supposed to go. There are people watching Zayn, control your hormones.

"Zayn... everyone. What are you guys doing here?" Liam says confused.

"We are here to watch the biggest fight of the year" Louis responded.

"No we are not," Harry says, smacking Louis in the back of the head "we are here to watch you and Zayn make up and maybe get back together or maybe not"

"I'm here as the referee" Gigi said.

"Oh..." Liam stood there silent for a second, probably thinking about what exactly needs to be done, "Come in. I'll go change"

We head inside and sit on the couch. I could feel my heart going a mile a minute. Why did Liam have to look so fucking hot in that towel? And why did he have that towel right on the waist, where his v-line becomes the most attractive sight? Why did the others have to become? Fuck, I wish I could just pounce him and let him fuck me senseless already. It drives me crazy that it's been a month since I last felt his big, thick, beautiful cock inside me. And that majestic tongue of his working its way around my hole...


I heard my name from both of Harry and Gigi.

"What were you thinking about? We've been trying to get your attention for like a good minute there" Harry said.

"He was too busy thinking about Liam's dick fucking the daylights out of him" Louis said, sipping on bis drink.

I feel my face getting red.

"Shut up" Was all I could say.

We've been sitting here for a good ten minutes. Liam is sure taking his sweet time or maybe he escaped and we just don't know it.

"I'm gonna go and see what's taking our favorite character so long" Louis said as he goes to Liam's room.

Fuck me, fuck this, fuck me, fuck Liam. Fuck my anxiety.

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