sixty six

347 16 2

Zayn: help me

Harry: nO

Zayn: just sneak me out please

Zayn: i dont want to be here

Harry: STOP

Zayn: :((

Harry: you're staying. hear what liam has to say.

Zayn: im gonna fucking die bc of you

Harry: you won't

Harry: liam won't be the death of you

Zayn: except he will be

Harry: Zayn Malik. Calm down.

Zayn: :((

Zayn: fine

"Are you two seriously fucking texting each other when you're sitting right next to each other?" Gigi said, annoyed.

"Yes. We're having a private conversation" I responded.

"I'm only be respectful and responding to his texts" Harry said defending himself.

"I can't believe you two" Gigi said as she stood up and walked over to the kitchen, "Where is the liquor?!"

"Cabinet next to the fridge" I said.

"Thank you!" Gigi shouted back.

"Zayn please don't run away from this. You always say you wanted Liam, so why is it now that you're so close that you don't want it?" Harry asks, the concern on his face makes me feel weak. That face will make anyone speak the truth, it's like a spell.

"It's just that, I never thought I would get another chance with Liam and now that I do see that chance fast approaching, I don't know how to handle it" I said.

"In my opinion, you should just get back together because I'm tired of hearing you both whine about not being with each other" Gigi says and sits back down on the couch, she has a cup of what I'm assuming is tequila from the smell.

"But you don't have to if you don't want to" Harry says.

My thoughts are now conflicting. Part of me wants Liam just to end the constant back and forth and just fucking have a life together. In the other hand, I don't want to be together with Liam because I'm afraid I'll break his heart again. Fuck Zayn, what are you going to do? I don't know brain, but I have to figure out my decision in the next couple minutes before Liam walks down that hallway.

Get your shit together Zayn.

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