ninety four

232 9 0

The sun beams down at our faces while we set up the backyard in Harry's house.

"I'm gonna die of a heat stroke if I don't cool off in the next five seconds!" Louis complains. We all feel the same.

We've been working our asses off for the past two days and everything is coming into place and I'm really hoping Gigi has the best day of her life, because who knows what will happen when she's away. What if she decides to stay? What if she makes new friends? There are so many things that could happen, but I at least want this to be her last memory of us before the summer officially starts and we don't see her for the next three months.

"Zayn please help me clean the pool" Liam asks and he hands me a net.

"There are so many leaves in this pool Harry, don't you ever clean it?" I say as I start to fish out the leaves.

"Well, me being the lazy bum that I am, I refuse to clean the pool. The only time the pool seems to get cleaned is when our pool boy comes and does it, but he hardly ever comes by to do that. He gets distracted doing... other things..." Harry trails off and looks at Louis, who is smiling down and both of them share a little laugh.

"Oh please don't tell me Louis is your pool boy" I ask, already knowing the answer to that question.

"Yeah I am" Louis says proudly and go on to give Harry a kiss on the cheek.

"Those two have no boundaries with each other. They seem to make everything they touch, into a kink or whatever" Liam says into my ear.

"I know right" I responded.

"Good thing we can keep work and pleasure separate... for the most part" Liam says with a wink, making me blush.

"Anyways, let's continue to work on this pool and the rest of the backyard." I say, breaking up the moment.

• • • •

People start to arrive at the house and the backyard seems pretty packed already. I've been separated from the rest of group and been fending for myself outside here for the past hour or so. The music is loud enough for the neighbors to complain but thankfully they haven't, the heat is so intense people have just decided to take off their clothes and call it a pool party, which is not a bad idea now that I come to think of it.

I head inside to see if I could find anyone, but the amount of people dancing, lounging, playing beer games keep me from doing so. From across the room I'm able to spot a familiar mop of hair.

"Harry!" I shout but clearly he's too drunk to notice me.


"Zayn! My lovely friend, how are you?"

"Have you seen Liam? Gigi? Louis?"

"Well I lost Liam and Gigi about an hour ago and Louis was just here with me. I don't know where he went, I think I may have lost him..." Harry begins to drag on his speech and words start jumble together.

"Where did Liam and Gigi go?" I asked.

Harry looked up from the floor and straight at me, "What?"

"Never mind. You keep having fun, and don't get alcohol poisoning" I say and leave the area.

I begin to search the first floor, from living room to kitchen to dining room, no sigh of Liam or Gigi. Where could those two have gone?


I turn around and to my surprise, Louis comes to hug me.

"Zayn, you beautiful piece of meat, what a time to be alive ain't it!" Louis says and takes another sip from whatever is in his cup.

"Have you seen Liam or Gigi anywhere?"

"They went upstairs to the terrace. Liam wanted to give Gigi his goodbye gift alone."

"Okay thanks"

"Heeeyyy, wait a second. Is that all that I am to you? Someone you can just use and only care about whenever you need something? Come, have a little fun. Loosen up a little. It's Gigi's last day here with us before she goes to California forever."

We both look at each other, just soaking in the moment. I can see through Louis' eyes, the drunkenness is evident. This "going-away-party" has turned to just a party and the girl who this is honored to isn't even here to be a part of it. I guess I shouldn't worry though, she's with Liam and Liam has gift for her, and they can protect each other. So it's fine. Maybe I should loosen up a bit, this is a party after all.

"Okay man, let's get wasted" I said and instantly saw Louis grow a huge smile on his face. Next thing I know, I'm in the kitchen with Louis mixing all the different kinds of liquor into a cup.

"I'm calling this the Payne Train. Not because of his dick, but you know what I mean. Or maybe..." Louis starts to trail off, I roll my eyes. Of course it's probably some joke between them and this drink came out of it. Kind of weird having to drink the Payne Train, although, I've already swallowed it before.

"Give me the damn drink already" I say and snatch the cup off Louis' hand.

"Fair warning, you're gonna really be sent off a rocket"

"Tonight we indulge as much as we want. For Gigi." I say and raise my cup.

"Yeah! For Gigi!" Louis shouts and raises up his cup.

I took a huge gulp of the concoction and immediately feel the burn throughout my body. Just what did he mix into this?

"Let's go get wild!" Louis shouts and pulls me by the arm again.

I'm just glad I probably won't remember any of this when I wake up tomorrow.

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