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"I feel like I've missed out on so much" Gigi said, taking a sip from her diet coke.

"Yeah you have" I responded.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted by the way, I shouldn't have talked to you like that" I apologize. It's what I came here to do. Liam talked me into it last night and honestly, I hate how right he is, it does feel good. Plus, Gigi is one of my closest friends and it didn't exactly feel right to not have her around.

"It's okay, I kinda understand why you acted the way you did. I'm sorry on my part as well, for not thinking completely about the effect that it will have on you."

"That's the thing though, we shouldn't have to apologize for the things that make us happy, yet we do it anyways."

"But you also have to take into consideration the consequences it'll bring, because you can't just go around killing people and call it a day just because it makes you happy. Of course, that's just one extreme..."  Gigi said and chuckled a bit, I along with her.

"Honestly, it just made me think that he was just trying to get to me, but maybe it was all just in my head and I'm being paranoid about the whole situation." I said and drank from my soda.

"I only slept with him once and that was enough for me to realize that he has been everywhere with everyone. And that threw me off completely." Gigi admitted and I don't know if it was supposed to be a joke or not but I ended up laughing about it. I mean she's not wrong. Niall has been experiencing both sides more times than we can count.

"Well at least he's gone for now, and I won't have to worry about it until the next time he comes..." I trail off and start to think about all the different scenarios for the next time he comes.

"Yeah... but you know it's not good to just harbor all those feelings and pretend like he's the devil. Going on life like that is just going to be extremely heavy for you."

I look at Gigi intently and I can't believe she just said that.

"I know. Liam said the same thing saying 'If you don't make amends with him then you're always going to feel like something is unfinished' and I hate how fucking right you both are," I confess, not wanting to deny the truth. It's a nice change of pace to be honest, "but right now, I feel like if I look at him I will snap and just beat him senseless, and I really don't want to get in trouble because I screwed up his face."

"Yeah, I understand" Gigi responded looking a little disappointed.

It's the truth. If I go ahead and try to apologize now, then it'll probably blow up in both of our faces and I'll probably be ruining the chances for making amends even more. What Niall did was fucked up and to me, unforgivable, but according to my two "therapists," building up this hatred for him is not going to get me anywhere and I should at least try to talk things out with him. Even if I do forgive him, I won't forget what he did.

"So what have you been up to lately?" Gigi asks, breaking the silence between us.

"Well besides, riding Liam every other day, nothing!" I said, fake excitingly, "Ever since school ended, it's been nonstop boredom and honestly all I want is for a fucking crazy summer. That's the one thing I'm craving. A road trip. Trouble. Going to places we aren't old enough to get into. Party. Literally, anything. But I'm just being too ambitious at the start of summer like I always am, and I'll probably just end up volunteering at the animal shelter, like I always do. And if that's the case, then I'll be working and volunteering at the same time and my gay ass can't handle all of that at once."

"Wow, for someone who has nothing to do, you sure do seem to have a busy schedule." Gigi said with a smile.

"What about you? What does the famous Gigi have planned for the summer?"



"Yeah, my aunt said that I can go and spend the summer in California with her and I of course, couldn't pass up the opportunity of a lifetime." Gigi says and it sounds like she's already made up her mind about this and probably already has her suitcase packed.

"Wow, that's... I fucking wish." Is all I say really, because I have no words. I can say that I'm happy for her because she has always talked about going to California for the summer and experience the "fun" that everyone keeps talking about. Plus, when she gets the chance, she'll move there and never look back.

"Yeah, I leave next week Monday."

I almost spit out my drink.

"Monday?! Gigi, today is Friday! You leave in three days?! Were you planning on telling anyone?" I was shocked. I didn't know that I would be making up with her just as she's about to leave for the summer. That's so ironic.

"Yeah, but not yet anyways. I was going to wait until Sunday, that way no one can like find ways for me to stop me when I leave Monday morning." She said and pushed her hair back behind her ear. She looks down at her food, half eaten, it's like she's thinking about all those reasons to not go, but her dream is right there, she's almost at the finish line and she can't really pass up the opportunity to go to the place of her dreams. Sometimes you have to be selfish in order to get what you want. I won't get in the way of that.

"Understandable, but, you can't leave until we threw you a going away party" I said out of the blue. What the fuck am I thinking?

"You know I'm not leaving forever right?"

"Okay, we'll make it a 'See You At the End of Summer' party then"

Gigi laughs and the thoughts she was thinking seemed to vanish. Just like Liam, she always stops herself from doing anything if someone else manages to convince her to not do it. Even if it's something that will help her in the long run.

"How are you gonna plan a party in two days by the way?" Gigi asks.

"I have minions" And just as I say that, I pull out my phone and text the group chat with the boys.

zayn: we're throwing a party for gigi

louis: ????

harry: why is that?

liam: ^^

zayn: on a date with her and she just told me that she's going to california for the summer

harry: 😱😱😱

louis: what the fuck, that fucking bitch ass slut thinks she's going to leave without saying goodbye? what the fuck is she on?

liam: omg what

zayn: yeah

zayn: she leaves monday morning and we need this party by sunday. we need to start getting to work now.

zayn: we need to make sure we can show our support the best we can 😤

liam: yeah!

louis: 👌🏼

harry: okay!

harry: so where do we start?

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