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7 years later...

I look out into the yard as Zayn plays with Choco. I smile. It's perfect. Everything is fucking perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more. We've moved to a house not far away from the city, so Zayn can keep his cravings of adventure at check without the drawback of exhaustion, we got our famed Choco, and our careers have been able to take us places we would only dream of taking us.

Our fan fiction back in our college years really gave me an insight into something I should explore. So I went ahead and published a book... or five. Zayn was able to chase his dream of capturing every moment, working with celebrities we would crush on in our bedrooms and magazines our moms would keep on the coffee table.

Today is when we're all supposed to get together and do that "10 Year Reunion." But don't get me wrong, I'm all for reminiscing, but not with people I didn't even speak to for more than five minutes. Everyone wants to go back to high school. When they live through it, it's the raging fires of hell come to life, yet when you look back at it (for some people at least) it's the a time they wish they had back to just do one thing different or live through it all over again. So, our little group of friends decided to ditch school and host our own reunion.

The oven begins to sound off and I head back into the kitchen.

I don't know how you can put two guys that love to cook, together and not start a fight. I take the lasagna out of the oven. Zayn insisted on making desert first, so he made a chocolate strawberry cheesecake.

Choco comes barking in.

"Hey buddy, you hungry?" I grab the food from the cabinet and pour some on his bowl. Choco goes and begins to mow down on the food.

"Guess someone is really hungry"

I turn around and see a face I haven't seen since graduation. University that is.

"Gigi!" I go and give her a hug, taking in her scent of roses.

"It's been so long Liam, we simply can not do this anymore. We can't spend this much time apart, it's not healthy for our skin" Gigi says with a smile and I chuckle a little.

"Clearly. Gosh, it's so good to finally see you again"

"When did we last meet?"

"Last year for your show"

Gigi has gone from model to designer faster than anyone I know. Her designs are adored by millions of people and I couldn't be more proud. Heck, some of our clothes is by her. Of course, they're one of a kind pieces.

"Everyone else should be here soon, you can just make yourself at home" I say and Gigi moves to the living room.

I go to the backyard and look for Zayn who is sprawled out on the grass, looking up at the sky. I head towards him, wondering why the hell is this man ruining his clothes.

"Zee, you're going to ruin your clothes if you stay on the grass"

"You're not my mother Li" Zayn protested.

"What are you doing on the ground anyways?"

"I just needed to take a break, Choco tired me the fuck out"

"Well you could have sat on the bench"

"I was too tired to walk all the way over there"

I laughed. Zayn's laziness has always amazed me and it's one of the cute things about him.

I decide to lay down next to him, looking at his face as he stares into the unknown parts of the universe. The thought of Zayn and I being endgame really has become true. Not once have we ever doubted each other's trust, not once have we ever doubted the other's abilities. We love each other too much to let each other go again. There's no possible way for me to live without Zayn by my side, holding my broken pieces together, I'd fall apart.

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