friday // pt. 1

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Friday, May 25, 2018 // 12:18pm
Niall & Gigi

I get off the plane and head straight to luggage claim. I sit down for a bit and wait for my suitcase to arrive.

"Sorry, is this seat taken?"

I look up and see a face, of a boy, that looks extremely familiar but I just can't figure out who it is.

"Uh no, no it's not" I respond and move my duffle bag from the seat next to me.

The smell of his cologne also is extremely familiar and now I'm going to be bothered by this for the rest of the trip.

I see my suitcase rolling in and head for it. I walk out and start looking for Gigi, who I saw holding a sign that says 'The Home Wrecker' and I smiled to myself from how funny that was.

"You found me!" Gigi says and pulls me in for a tight hug, "Gosh, I've missed you so much. I thought you were dead for so long."

"Well I'm not, so let's go get something to eat please, I'm starving and could eat a horse"

Gigi laughs at my comment and we go to where her car is parked.

"Where to?"

"I'm really craving tacos right now, but only from Taco Bell... I haven't had any in weeks."

"To Taco Bell we go!" Gigi said and started to speed up.

• • • • •

"Fuck this is so good" I say as I take a bite out of my taco.

"You don't have to make a mess of yourself. Clean your face omg"

I grab a napkin and start to clean my face, "Better now?"

"Much better" She smiled and I smiled back.

I hear the door to the restaurant open and the boy that walks in makes my heart drop to my stomach. How is it that we're in the same place at the same time? The universe must be saying something... but what is it saying? First, at the airport, waiting for our luggage. And now here.


"Niall what's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost" Gigi asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh it's just... that guy that just walked in, I also saw him at the airport. Like we sat next to each other and everything"

"Oh my gosh, what if he's stalking you"

"Gigi stop"

"What? It could be" Gigi said and let out a little laugh.

To think that I might actually have a stalker is kind of scary. Like what if he's going to befriend me, we get real close and then bam... I'm dead on my bedroom floor, blood pooling around me. Or maybe he's following me because he likes me and he just wants to get to know me better and we're going to get married and have beautiful children.

No, don't make a potential killer your husband.

"But doesn't he look familiar? Like does he go to our school?" I asked, trying to soothe my nerves.

"Let me check the yearbook" Gigi said and pulls out her phone. Gigi is also a part of the yearbook club, but she's more of a casual. Shows up when she feels like it's important to show up.

"Okay so..."


"That's... Toby"

"Okay? Why do you say it like that?"

"Because... he looks so different oh my gosh"

"Gigi, you're talking like you know him"

"I do. He dated Liam after the breakup with Zayn. Then they broke up when they both realized that it wasn't going to last. They cheated on each other."

I looked back and saw him walk to the soda machine. How come I never knew he existed?

"I'm going to say hi" Gigi says and she stands up.

"Gigi no don't—" But it was too late and she was already walking up to him.

I sink into my seat to try to hide away from the public humiliation. I don't want to start my first day back with any drama from Liam or anyone for that matter. I just came to spend some time with my family and go back to my life in New York.

"Toby, this is Niall"

Oh fuck.

"Niall, this is Toby"

"Pleasure to meet you" Toby says and sticks out his arm. I weakly shake and sit back properly on my chair. He sits down next to Gigi and gets straight to talking.

"So Gigi tells me you used to go to our school. How come I never noticed you before? And why did you leave?"

"You don't waste any time do ya?"

He just stayed quiet and smiled.

"Well you didn't notice me because I was just some random trying to get his diploma. I never really wanted to do anything big with my life. Everyone suggested I become a singer but I'm just not cut out for that kind of pressure, so I decided to start my life over. Which leads us to why I left. You see..." before I continued talking I stopped and looked at Toby. He seemed to be extremely intrigued by the story and I haven't had anyone look at me like that in such a long time... it actually feels nice.

"Please do continue. I love stories"

"So do I" Gigi said.

"Well I left because life here was getting too much and I always kept putting myself in a situation where I would be the cause to end a relationship. It's not like I would do it on purpose, is just that people lie and I think that I was just being used for sex? But I didn't mind, felt nice to be used, to be wanted; even if it's just for one night. Anyways, I got in between two people and that didn't end well and almost killed myself so I decided to pack a bag and move to New York. Moved in with a cousin, and started a new life."

"Wow Niall, this was an interesting summary of your life for the past couple months" Toby responded and for some reason it made me blush.

Niall no.

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