seventy eight

311 12 0

niall: it's sunday

gigi: yeah

niall: what are we gonna do

niall: like i haven't done much in this stuffy house full of old people and pictures aren't until tomorrow

niall: i need to get out

gigi: okay yea yea i hear you

gigi: just gotta find a way to break it down to zayn and liam that you're back. give me a second.

niall: okay


Gigi added Liam to the chat!

Gigi added Zayn to the chat!

liam: wtf

zayn: what's going on gigi?

gigi: i gotta tell you both something and this saves time

liam: oka

zayn: what is it?

gigi is typing...

zayn: omg it's a break up letter

liam: zayn pls

zayn: you never know

gigi: okay so on friday around noon niall came to town and he's staying until wednesday for this big annual family reunion and it's just been killing me because like he's my friend and i know he did some fucked up shit to you both but i need it for it to be okay for him to be going out with me or that maybe possibly you two could like talk it out with him so everything seems cool between you all

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gigi: no response?

zayn: hold on

zayn: let me get liam's dick out of my ass first

zayn: you're meaning to tell me that niall is visiting?

gigi: yes

zayn: and why do you have to tell us this and not him?

gigi: because he's scared that neither of you would want to talk to him

zayn: hmmmmmm

gigi: just talk to him please he's like really sorry about what he did

liam: im down

zayn: what

zayn: babe wtf. i just had your dick inside me and this is how you treat me

liam: well i mean, the worst thing we could do to him is keep on torturing him like this. he deserves a second chance, we should both start over with him.

zayn: hmm

zayn: only because your dick is good

gigi: alright im sorry that i interrupted you in the middle of sex can you just please stop talking about it

liam: fair

zayn: when do we meet the little blonde?

gigi: today. let's go to the frozen yogurt place. around 4?

zayn: okay

liam: cool cool

gigi: thank you guys so much

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gigi: it is done

niall: great. what did they say?

gigi: we're all going to the frozen yogurt place around 4

niall: woah

niall: ok ok i'll see you guys then


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