twenty four

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Niall, Liam and I are working on the finishing touches on this decoration disaster. Harry is the one with the creativity and eye for design, the rest of us are pieces of shit at this and can barely match two colors together. Which is exactly why I wear black 90% of the time.

It's just when we thought we were done decorating this shit show, that we realized we forgot to include the most important thing: The cake.

"Where's the cake?" I ask, looking at the boys, with a quizzical look on their faces.

"Should be in the fridge" Liam said and Niall went to get it.

Niall took out the cake and set it on the table.

"Well it's still in tact" Liam says.

"Yeah but surprise surprise, it's an ice cream cake" Niall said.

"Oh wow a rock solid cake" I said.

"It's fine"  Liam reassured.

"Just wait until it's time to eat it" Niall said, crossing his arms.

I could just think about eating that cake, ice, like rock solid. Unless it melts a little before then. Then probably we'll be good.

The doorbell rang.

"Are we expecting anyone else?" Liam asked, which is actually a good question. Who could it possibly be?

Niall went and answered the door and you could hear his gasp from the dining room.

"Niall who is it?" I shouted, and began to make my way to the front door.

Now I know why Niall has been left in shock. He has returned from the dead, he whose name must not be mentioned—but eventually will—he who must be shamed.

"Louis!" Liam yelled and went to punch him right in the chest.

"I deserve that" Louis said, rubbing his hand over where Liam punched him.

"What in the actual fuck asshole? Why do you just pop out of nowhere and think it's acceptable to come unannounced like that, without any warning whatsoever? You think you can just do that and expect us to welcome you with open arms after that little stunt you pulled for an entire fucking month? I don't think so. So I suggest you go back to the little hole you crawled out of and think about your fucking actions and how much you hurt Harry and the rest of us" I ranted before he could say anything else. I'm not letting that piece of shit come up with a bullshit apology after this. Not this time.

"I love you too Zayn" Louis said and opened his arms, coming in for a hug. I just stood there and took it without hugging him back. I never knew how angry I was at him until now. Like I know that I was extremely angry at him for just leaving like that without a proper explanation, but I didn't know how much it would actually show.

"You're not getting away with this" I whispered into his ear.

"Oh but I already did" Louis whispered back and stepping out of my personal bubble.

Harry walks in with a big teddy bear in his arms and a gift bag.

Oh fuck.

"Guys! Look!" Harry said showing us the human size teddy bear, "It's so fluffy!"

"You bastard" I said.

"I know" Louis responded and headed over to Harry to take the teddy bear from him.

We settle into the living room. Niall sitting by himself, Louis and Harry extremely close to each other and I on Liam's lap, playing with his hair.

The silence has filled the room and all you can hear is the clock ticking and the birds chirping with the occasional rustling of the leaves through the wind. We are all just looking back and forth at each other waiting for someone to say something, anything for that matter. But we're just letting the presence of Louis be the only topic that's on our minds right now, but the one we're all avoiding. It's like an evil that's slowly consuming us, and it all started when Louis showed up. And I'm not saying this because we hate him or whatever, but because he just got up and fucking left and didn't contact anyone for a month, yet he thinks everything will be unicorn and rainbows when he returned. Hell fucking no. Maybe I did think of welcoming him with open arms, but when I saw that million dollar smirk on his face, I just boiled with rage.

There is no way I'm going to be the first one to break and talk about the elephant in the room, or I might end up killing someone instead and we'll have blood in our cake.

"This is quite fun actually" Liam said, giving in.

"Oh yeah, totally fun" Niall continued saying, but with a sarcastic tone. He's still left speechless and surprised about the whole thing.

"We should talk about it" Louis said.

"No. We don't have to if you don't want to. Don't it for them, do it for you. For when you're ready" Harry defended Louis. The rest of us all turned our heads to Harry and I swear I could see the innocence. He's so deeply in love with Louis that he can't find a bone in his body that could actually hate him or be mad at him for anything. Not even for something as fucked up as this.

"Harry's right, maybe we shouldn't talk about such a sensitive topic right now. Besides, we're all here to celebrate Harold's birthday, we should be shouting and dancing and singing and being happy" Niall said, trying to lighten the mood.

But I wouldn't budge.

"Let's just sing happy birthday and cut the cake shall we?" Louis suggests and stands up from the couch, Harry following along.

"Come on guys, let's go stuff ourselves" Harry said and Niall went with them.

Liam and I stayed on the couch.

"Ya know I can't move unless you get off me right?" Liam said.

"Then I guess we're not moving from here" I said, crossing my arms.

"Zayn" Liam said with a stern voice.

"Liam, I'm not moving. I can't be in the same room as this kid who think it's okay to just leave his friends like that. I can't. It just hurts me so much and it fills me with anger. He's a dickhead, asshole, fucktard, dumb-fuck, and every other thing that I can't think of right now" I said and I could feel some of the anger being released letting those thoughts escape my lips.

"It's okay baby, you'll get over it. You'll calm down. At some point this will be a forgotten memory" Liam said, trying to reassure me that there was nothing to worry about.

"Yeah okay whatever" I said, letting out a deep sigh.

"Let's go eat some cake" Liam suggested.

"Yeah okay whatever"

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