ninety seven

284 10 1

1 week later
[sex scene warning]

"What are we gonna do?"

"We could go and have a cute picnic date? Or maybe go on a mini road trip across state? There's always the movies..."

"We're too broke for all of that Liam"

"Are we really though? Or are you just too lazy to get out of bed?"

I stay silent for a second. "We can just spend the entire day in this room. I mean think about it. It's 2019 and we have Netflix, delivery, the bathroom just two steps away from us, a beautiful king sized bed, nothing better to do, all that plus the amazing feeling of enjoying each other's company like... what more could you ask for? This could be the perfect date"

Liam turns his body to the side and stares me down, as if he's looking for a reason to actually get out of the house.

"Will there be sex involved?"

"Oh honey, you would not believe how much fun we're gonna have today" I say and give him a kiss.

I hear Liam's stomach growl and I give out a chuckle, "I'll make breakfast, you have to find a show we're gonna binge for the rest of the day."

I get out of bed and throw on one of Liam's sweaters which clearly is one size too big. I don't know how Liam finds the time to work out. But I'm really not complaining.

I run to the kitchen and start getting out the pancake mix and eggs.

I hear my phone vibrate on the kitchen counter.

Since when was that there?

louis: you guys doin anything today?

louis: let me know

louis: harry wanted to go to the beach later and wanted to see if you and liam wanted to tag along

I want to say no, but at the same time I want to play it off as I'm sleeping, but at the same time I don't want to be rude. This is a very difficult decision: common decency or selfish fulfillment?

I unlock my phone.

zayn: hey! liam and i decided to have a sex marathon today so we won't be able to attend the trip to the beach

louis: i—

louis: you know that's unhealthy right?

zayn: yeah! which is precisely why we're doing it

louis: lol you kids are crazy

zayn: you're even crazier for suggesting going out in this heat

louis: which is precisely why we're doing it

louis: well have fun doing whatever it is you're doing. i'll make sure to rub it in your guys faces how much fun we had on the beach

zayn: and i'll make sure to rub it in YOUR face how much fun WE will have while having sex all day

louis: 🤢 have a nice day zayn

zayn: 😘
read at 9:23am

I finish making breakfast and head back the bedroom where I find Liam sprawled out like a starfish on the bed. I set the tray down on the night table.

"What are you doing Liam?"

"I got bored waiting for you, so I decided to stretch"

"Did you find a show we're gonna binge?"

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