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Lucy's POV:

"Letter for you, Lucy." Holly handed me an envelope as I entered the kitchen for breakfast.
I squeezed it under my arm while I opened the fridge and rummaged for a yogurt.
"The strawberry one is mine!" Lockwood called.
I laughed, "Don't worry, nobody likes strawberry, mate."
He shrugged, "I do."
"Yeah, you also like porridge without sugar." George didn't look up from his notes and kept munching his donut.
I picked out a peach yogurt and sat down next to Holly. I ripped the lid off the cup and then turned to the letter.
"Who is it from?" Holly asked.
"My sister Victoria. Weird, I haven't heard from her in ages." I answered while opening the envelope.
I didn't communicate much with my family, only my closest sister Mary wrote from time to time.
I shook out the content with one hand while scooping out yogurt with the other, then I froze in the middle of the movement.
"Luce?" Lockwood frowned.
I stared at the card that had fallen out. It was decorated with silver roses and had a picture of a smiling couple on it.
I swallowed, "Uh... It's a... It's a wedding invitation. Victoria is getting married."
Holly made a surprised sound and read it over my yogurt, " 'We said yes! We invite you to attend the union of our love. The wedding will take place on the 1st July.' That's in two weeks."
I groaned, "Great."
Holly frowned, "Oh come on, Lucy, it's a wedding, that's beautiful!"
I sighed, "Yes, but that means meeting my whole family including six sisters and I could really imagine better things to do."
"You should be glad to be able to see your sister getting married. It's a gift to have that much family." Lockwood didn't look up from his newspaper.
I bit my lip, given his circumstances he was right of course, I should appreciate my family. But also given his circumstances he didn't know what it was like to have at least three cousins you didn't even know because you already have twelve others to remember.
"Why don't you go, if you find family that great." I murmured.
He smirked, "Because it's your sister, not mine."
Holly peaked at the invitation, "Says here you can bring a plus one."
I glared over to Lockwood who had looked up and raised his brows, "Uhh, I don't want to force my family on you."
He smiled warmly, "I would love to meet the Carlyles."
I shrugged, "Well, if you want... At least I wouldn't be alone then."
At least something.

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