Double Room

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Lockwood's POV:

It took us twenty minutes to get to Lucy's hometown. Mary drove and kept asking us questions about our "relationship". It felt weird of course, but I wasn't remotely as awkward as Lucy.
She barely answered her sister's questions, so I overtook the part.
"So how long have you been dating?"
I shrugged, "Uh, about a month I guess. It was the 3rd June."
Mary chuckled, "Awww, so cute, a fresh couple! You know, I always thought you two would end up together! The others will freak out if they hear that. I swear, one day I'll be the last single sister. So how did you get together?"
Suddenly Lucy jumped in, "It was after a case. We both had nearly died again so I sorted my priorities and decided to ask him out."
I raised my brows at her.
"You asked him out? That's my girl! Boys never get anything done anyways!"
My "girlfriend" grinned at me.
"Alright, we're there!", Mary parked the car in front of a big building. It was a hotel with a big entrance door, but a little shabby and a bit displaced in this small town.
Lucy frowned, "The hotel? Why aren't we going home?"
Mary turned around, "Oh you don't know? Victoria's fiance owns the hotel! We're all invited to stay there, the party will take place here, too!"
We left the car, got the bags (I insisted on taking Lucy's because I'm her boyfriend obviously) and went into the lobby.
A wrinkly old man in a suit welcomed us. He was tall and thin and his face tired, but eyes glowed with wit.
"Miss Mary! Who did you bring?"
Mary pointed at us, "Harold, that's my sister Lucy and her boyfriend Anthony Lockwood."
Harold nodded smiling, "Ahh, the youngest Carlyle sister. Welcome home Miss Lucy, Mr Lockwood. Your room is on the second floor, here are your keys. The rest of the family is the salon, they're waiting for you."
Mary shook her head, "They've been traveling for hours, they need a break. We'll see you for dinner around 7pm, rest a little."
Lucy nodded thankfully, "Thanks Mary."
Mary chuckled, "And when I say" rest" I don't mean "make out"! Now off you go! "
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lucy blush, so I took her hand and pulled her towards the elevator. I pressed the button for the second floor and the doors closed, Mary had just left the lobby.
"This is going to be so awkward.", Lucy sighed.
"Are you already giving up?" I smirked, not looking at her.
She hesitated, "No... No. Of course not. I just... It's a lot of family and a lot to take in, so I don't want you to feel obligated to do anything."
She was so obviously uncomfortable with the whole situation that I felt sorry for her. That was also the reason why I suggested the bet. It would have been even more uncomfortable when everyone asked why we weren't dating etc.
I smiled at her,"Don't worry, Luce, it's an honor."
The elevator took us to the second floor, the key card told us to search for room 22.
"There we go." Lucy unlocked the door and we entered our domicile for the next days.
I put the bags on the bed and immediately opened the window to let in fresh air. The room was small and extremely hot. It was a simple room, a bed, a wardrobe, but it was clean and comfortable.
I turned around and saw Lucy standing there, staring at the bed, "Luce, what's wrong?"
"Oh I was just wondering... Are you okay with sleeping in the same bed as me?"
I hadn't thought of that yet, that was indeed a first.
I shrugged, "Well, we nearly died together, sleeping in the same bed shouldn't be that big of a deal."
A little dramatic, but the truth.
I grinned, "If you're okay with me sleeping shirtless in this heat, that is."
She examined me from head to toe and after a second of ponder she nodded, "That should be alright. If you shower."
I raised a brow, "You're not dating George, you're dating me."
She opened the bathroom door and disappeared in there, "I'm not dating anyone for that matter."
I watched her close the door. Yeah. Just you wait, girl.

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