Let's Party!

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Hopefully this one will be better...

Lucy's POV:

For some reason I was very relieved when the whole church thing was over. It was uncomfortable since I was basically sitting on Lockwood's lap and we were both aware of the fact that he had a perfect view over my boobs. He tried to look away, I tried ignore it, but we were both glad to be out of there.
"Ugh, I'm starving, finally the church is over." I mumbled.
"Ugh, yeah, all that love, serenity ty and happiness really gets you down." Lockwood theatrically rolled his eyes and chuckled.
I ignored him as we entered the hotel and made our way through the now busy lobby to the hall. I needed food and a nap actually, at least the food I could get.
The others were already at the buffet loading their plates with noodles, roast beef and potatoes. I went for a pile of chips and roast beef and a desperately needed ice cold coke.
Mary, Harriet, Susan and Kate sat at our table, Susan with her boyfriend and Kate with her girlfriend. As we sat down we received sceptical looks from Harriet.
She raised a brow, "You know what's funny? I've never seen you both kiss. Weird for a couple."
Susan rolled her eyes, "You either complain that people are shoving their tongues up each other's throats or that they're not kissing at all. Will you ever not complain?!"
Lockwood and I exchanged a weird glare, we both knew that Harriet was right. We were acting as "couply" as possible, but there was no kissing. Laying an arm around each other? Yes. Holding hands? Yes. All things you can do without being awkwardly intimate. Kissing meant feelings. And I was worried about what I would feel.
I started eating while some people held speeches. I listened for the most part, but after the third best friend talking about how they used to get drunk at the lake (big surprise, who didn't?) my attention drifted away.
Lockwood sat next to me, not moving, pretending to listen, but his eyes were staring at a distant point of the room.
What was he thinking about? What was going on in this head? Was he enjoying himself? Did he regret coming along?
His fingers were locked on his leg that he had draped over the other, seemingly relaxed. He didn't fiddle with his suit or hair, he didn't twitch with his leg, Jesus, he didn't even subconsciously bite his lip or cheeks like Holly always did.
I didn't realize that I had stared at him until he suddenly tilted his head and caught my eye. I looked away, but for an entire awkward second we gaped into each other's eyes, me obviously turning the colour of the leftover Roastbeef on my plate. He just smiled and pretended to not have seen me be incredibly awkward.
Finally the speeches were over and after a while mostly everyone was done eating. The guests were chatting, Susan just told us about the vegan rescue farm she had visited last month that had shown her again how beautiful life was and that we should treasure animals.
After what felt like twenty minutes Victoria's maid of honor announced the "first dance". Why would you do that? Why would you want to awkwardly slow dance in front of all the people you invited? I really didn't get some of the traditions.
We assembled in a close circle around the bride and groom, I felt Lockwood's breath against my neck. Robert took Victoria's hand, bringing her into a dancing position. Benny played the first notes of "Thinking out loud" by Ed Sheeran (how original) and as he started singing the dance began.
It was so cheesy, resisting the urge to roll my eyes was painful, but Harriet's sceptical looks had me under control.
Eventually other couples joined, some guests sat back down so that the crowd dissolved, leaving me and Lockwood awkwardly standing around.
I scratched my head, "So...should we sit d-"
"Do you want to dance?" he interrupted me.
He took my hand and shyly pulled me a little closer. That was the moment I realized that I couldn't dance.
"Uh, actually, maybe that's not a good idea, I'm a terrible dancer."
He smiled, "Don't worry, I'll guide you."
"What, where did you learn that?"
He shrugged, "I had a very bored older sister."
Indeed he was quite good at this. Not perfect, but obviously better than me.
"So, do you think we're good at the whole couple thing?" he asked.
"You definitely are. I'm terrible at this."
"Because you're always tense. Are you that scared of me?"
I raised my brows, "As if. No, I just don't want this to get weird."
"But why are you making it weird then?" he giggled, "What are you scared of? That you're going to like it?" he said it as a joke, but my heart stopped for a second.
"No, of course not." I avoided his eyes.
"Well then what's stopping you?" he smirked.
"Maybe the fact that everyone is watching?" I blushed.
He grinned, "Now isn't that the point?"
I nodded, I couldn't answer to that, he was right.
"Well, in that case..." Lockwood laid a hand around my neck and pulled me close, "Give them something to watch."

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