Calling Home

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Lockwood's POV:

"You're playing a couple?!", Holly exclaimed.
I looked around me, "Shh, not that loud! Yes, we are."
I had left Lucy in our room showering while I went down to call our friends at home.
"And you had the idea to do so?" I could hear Holly grinning on while talking.
I rolled my eyes, "Yes, it was my idea. But only because I want to shield her from the family awkwardness! You know how weird she gets when someone asks her about her private life."
Holly chuckled on the other side.
"What?" I frowned.
"Oh, nothing. So, you're sleeping in the same bed?"
"Yeah, looks like it."
I could imagine her raising a brow, "Oooh sexy."
I sighed, "You do know that I called to check if everything is okay over there?"
"Oh shut up, I want to know all the details! She never tells me anything, you need to give me the information!"
I turned and scanned the lobby, but it was empty at the moment, "Well..." I felt myself blushing, "... I'm sleeping shirtless, do you think that's too much?"
"Hrrr, only shirtless? How about naked?" she laughed.
I scowled, "Ugh, why am I even talking to you about this?"
"Nonono! I'm sorry, I'm serious. Yeah, shirtless is fine as long as you don't dance burlesque in front of her. Do you plan on kissing her? Since you're playing a couple?"
Yeah, I had thought about it, but since she was already weird about the situation I felt like it would only make her uncomfortable.
"I don't think she'll like that, so probably not."
Holly still grinned, "Would you want to?"
My head was probably glowing red by now, "That doesn't matter if she doesn't."
Holly sighed, "God, you two are terrible. Call me when you have actual news, George is done cooking and I'm starving."
I raised a brow, "Actual news?"
"Tell me when you kissed. Alright, bye."
I stood there for a second, holding the telephone in my hand. Kissing Lucy? No, that was impossible, she would kill me.
"Hey, is everything okay at home?"
I spun around, Lucy watched me frowning.
"Uh yes, the house is still standing."
She smiled, "Let's see how long it will take."
She had put on a tight gray tank top and a pair of jeans shorts. Her hair was still wet, she had brushed it out of her face.
"Lockwood, are you okay? You're staring."
I shook myself free, "Yes, I'm great. Ready for your family?"
She rolled her eyes, "Well, no, but I'm prepared to be interviewed about my love life, so let's do this."
All the time I was watching her lips and I swear when she said "love life" I would have nearly lost myself.

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