Family Dinner

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I finally update! Ugh, I'm writing bc I'm the waiting room and there is probably zero chance of actually getting checked up and this is the only way I don't kill someone.

Lockwood's POV:

"There is our perfect couple!" Mary waved. She sat at a dining table in the hotel, together with a group of women. They all had a similar face structure, but other than that they had nothing in common.
"Hi guys, this is Lockwood, my...boyfriend." Lucy took my hand.
I felt looks of 7 women on me, then a girl in her late twenties with long straight brown hair, a plain gray shirt and a bored face raised a brow, "You call your boyfriend by his last name?"
Mary rolled her eyes, "Oh shut up Harriet, you'll always find something to complain about. Come you two, sit down."
I had never thought about the fact that everyone called me by my last name. Obviously that would sound weird to others, but Lucy was used to it. I wouldn't mind her calling me Anthony, but it would probably still take some time for her to get used to it, time we didn't have.
We sat down at the table, Mary on Lucy's side, a woman with a straight short bob, a warm smile and strong shoulders just like Lucy's on mine.
"Hi, I'm Victoria! So lovely to meet you! You already know Mary and Harriet, allow me to introduce the rest!"
Victoria, the bride. She seemed to be nice and cordial as Lucy had described her.
"Ah, you're the one getting married. Yes, please!" I smiled my best Lockwood-smile.
"Well this is Susan, Josy, Kate and this is mum." Victoria pointed at each one.
Lucy had already told me about her family, but seeing them in person was a whole different story. Susan was the vegan one, but she looked pretty normal to me, jeans, shirt, long wavy hair, bright face.
Josy was the edgy alternative one, she looked exactly as I imagined. She looked bored, had a bunch of tattoos and piercings and wore a black shirt with a print saying "I probably hate you."
Kate was the one that supported the mum, she seemed to be a pretty strong person. Don't get me wrong, Lucy can already kick your ass pretty well, but Kate looked like someone you wouldn't want to mess with.
And then there was Mrs. Carlyle. She examined me with a nonexpressive face, but I still felt like she was judging me. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little bit scared of her, but I think that's just the Carlyle effect. Mrs Carlyle was a tall woman, just as strong as her daughters. She didn't wear any jewelry, just a simple dark blue shirt so that I could barely imagine her going to any weddings at all. Her face was serious and also a little tired so that she seemed far away with her thoughts. I could barely find any similarity to Lucy except those piercing goldenbrown eyes that made you feel like she knew everything about what's going on inside of you.
"So, Anthony... Lockwood? What do you want to be called actually?" Mary asked.
I shrugged, "Oh, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't call me Tony. But most people go with Lockwood."
She nodded, "Fine, Lockwood, we were all excited to meet you... Well, I was. Lucy has been going on about you in her letters for ages, I told her so many times 'just ask him out' and apparently she did."
"Oh really?" I peeked at Lucy, she was very busy organizing her cutlery.
"How long have you been dating?" Susan wanted to know.
"A few weeks." Lucy was finished with the cutlery and moved to straightening her napkin.
"Ah, not that long then. You know, we never know anything about Lucy. Ever since she went to London." Mrs Carlyle said.
Lucy's napkin crumbled in her hand, I could sense her tensing next to me. I laid an arm around her, "Oh, that's not her fault, she always works overtime for me. She's the best listener I've ever seen after all!"
Lucy's look met mine, she smiled.
"Oh my gosh, you two are so adorable." Susan rested her head on her folded hands.
"Are you guys coming over after dinner?" Kate asked.
"Sorry?" I blinked.
A waiter with a tray of water glasses arrived and positioned himself to take the order.
"Yes, we're all going home to mum to look at baby pictures since we're all together for once! I'll have the grilled potato, please." Victoria added. We all ordered.
"I don't think so, we're both pretty tired..." Lucy tried, but I interrupted her, "Baby pictures?! Of course!" I grinned.
She rolled her eyes at me, "Fiiine. But if you laugh I will kick you in the butt."
Susan nudged Mary, "True love, huh?"

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