A Whole New Level Of Arrogance

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What do you think Lockwood's voice sounds like? I kinda have this Brendon Urie - death of a bachelor vibe in my head...

Lucy's POV:

Lockwood hopped onto the stage while Benny handed him a spare guitar. It was so weird seeing him hold the instrument, it seemed to be so unfit for him. Kind of like an psychic agent holding a machine gun.
"Oh God, I don't know if I can still play." Lockwood wrapped the guitar belt around his neck and feeled around the strings.
Benny rolled his eyes, "Shut up, you were always better than me."
"I haven't played in years."
"Well, then you'll have to make it up with your voice." Benny grinned, "I write sins not tragedies?"
Lockwood laughed, "Dude, this is literally a wedding."
Okay, Lockwood saying dude, there's a first for everything?
Benny shrugged, "It hasn't started yet. I'll do the intro riff if you want."
Lockwood nodded, "Yeah, I don't remember anything, that's gonna be an adventure."
"Well, do you remember the lyrics?" Benny raised a brow.
"As if I could ever forget the lyrics to that masterpiece."
"Fine, then... Two, three, four...!" Benny started playing which gave me a second to take in the situation.
Lockwood had been in a band. He could play the guitar (?!?), he could sing and apparently he was a little emo kid back in the days judging by his music taste. Okay, actually he was still quite an emo kid, just better dressed.
I was just about to witness him singing. And then he did. And I felt my heart stop.

Oh, well imagine
As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor
And I can't help but to hear
No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words

What a beautiful wedding
What a beautiful wedding, says a bridesmaid to a waiter
And, yes, but what a shame
What a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore

What the hell. His voice sounded so smooth and elegant as his smile looked. Effortlessly he jumped up and down the scale, making the song sound like it was a piece of cake to sing it. Not only sound, also look, he smiled all the way through, cheekily smirking at the last lyric.

I chime in with a
Haven't you ever heard of closing a goddamn door?
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality

I chime in
Haven't you ever heard of closing a goddamn door?
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of

WHAT THE ACTUAL ... This was not Lockwood. Some kind of sexy emo rock star demon had possessed him and taken over the control of his body, voice and definitely his facial expression.
I mean, I was used to him being very self satisfied, but this was a whole new level of arrogance. And it was so irresistible.
Behind us a few people came into the hall, attracted by the noise of the band powering through the song.
Suddenly Mary stood next to me, her mouth open in astonishment, "What the..."
I nodded, "Yeah."
"He can sing?!"
"That's so fucking sexy."
"... Yeah."

Sorry, that one's short, but I didn't want to destroy it :Dp

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