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It's time to ruin everything!

Lucy's POV:

"Wow, Harriet surely won't doubt you as a couple anymore." Mary suddenly said next to me.
Startled I blushed even more, "Oh, uh...yeah."
She and Susan apparently had come over as soon as Lockwood had left me. Nosey little fuckers.
"Looks like he is a hell of a kisser." Susan pointed out.
I giggled, "You could say that, yeah."
"Aww, you're still so shy around each other." Mary cheered.
"Well, except for that kiss just now, Frencher than the bloody Eiffel tower." Susan shook her head.
"Shut up!" I ran my hand through my hair, embarrassed of how much I had to grin.
Mary patted my shoulder, "Ah, so good to know that you finally have someone to make you happy."
"If she's the only one that he's making happy that is." Susan frowned, her eyes fixed at something in the distance.
I turned around, followed her glare across the hall. From one second to another my furiously beating heart stopped for a moment and my smile froze.
There he stood, at the bar, smiling his best Lockwoodsmile at the bartender, making her flustered and brushing her hair behind her ears. He said something, she laughed and touched his hand.
The room around me started spinning, the desperate disappointment and betrayal I felt when I had met Holly the first time was nothing compared to this feeling. For a second I thought I could literally hear my heart break and my body shatter with it.
"Maybe it's not what it looks like!" Mary tried to comfort me, but we all knew it was exactly what it looked like.
"Lucy, are you okay?" my closest sister asked.
I could bring myself to a very fake smile, "I'm fine. I'll be right back."
She said something else, but I was already on my way through the dancing couples, aiming for the bar where he had just made her laugh again. She was tall, slim, had blonde long hair, big boobs and bright red full lips. She was the complete opposite to me.
As I reached him, I tapped him on the shoulder, still making myself smile, "Hey darling."
He turned around, a weird expressionless face as he realized that it was me, "Oh, Lucy. Sorry, I got caught up by the nice bartender. Did you know that she makes the best Caipirinhas in town?" he winked at her.
My smile turned to stone, "That's nice. Especially since this is such a big town. Can I talk to you, sweetie?"
Lockwood seemed relaxed, but his eyes told me that he knew exactly what I was talking about, "Of course."
I took his hand and made him follow me him out into the broad corridor between the hall and the lobby that opened out into the garden.
Coming to a halt, I turned around to him. He smiled as if he had no idea what I was on about.
"You're flirting with the bartender?" I asked, doing my best to keep my voice steady.
"Maybe a little, why?"
Why? Was he serious? Maybe because he had been acting all lovey and cute for the last three days, even if others hadn't been around? Maybe because he had just kissed me as if he wanted to wake me up from a 100 year sleep?
"Well, I thought we're acting as a couple?" I answered.
He chuckled, "Well, it's not like anyone saw it, right? Don't worry, I won't endanger my dishwashing privileges."
"Is that still what it's about? Only that?" I said.
He frowned, "It isn't?"
I inhaled to talk, but mid-breath I felt anger rise up in me. All that time he had been playing with me just to act innocent now? I had enough of him having control over me like that, I was sick of being his toy.
"You know, you're right this is all just an act, right?" I shrugged, "Whatever, just please make it subtle if you sleep with her. I'd hate to break Mary's heart." Or mine, I added in my mind.
"Lucy..." he started, but I interrupted him, "One last thing: no more dancing and no more kissing. It just really messes with my head, so please don't do that, thank you. Have fun with the bartender!"
"Lucy..." he started again, but I had already turned on my heel and walked out into the garden.
This was already humiliating enough, he didn't have to see me cry, too.

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