A Weird Kid

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Don't be confused, Lucy's friend is now Oliver since Jacob was her old boss!

Lucy's POV:

The rest of the day went relatively uneventful. Obviously we had to have dinner with the family again, but now talk was all about the wedding the next day. Victoria's finance was a round pinkfaced man who hugged everyone and seemed to be someone who knew the whole town.
I was wearing my mint dress that Holly had given me, for some reason I felt comfortable today.
Meeting Oliver had left me all excited, his looks had changed, but he was still the trusty friend I knew. I told Lockwood all about our adventures, but he didn't seem to be listening, so eventually I stopped. But right after coming to the hotel I called my old friend after Robert, my sister's fiance had told me that Oliver was his bread deliverer and of course he had his phone number.
"Of course we can hang out later, maybe after dinner? A few of us are having a few drinks at the tree house." I could hear Oliver smile.
"I would love that! Tree house it is."
"Yes! Are you bringing your...boyfriend?" he hesitated.
"Uh, I'll ask him if he wants to join."
He did. He didn't seem too happy about it though, maybe because you wouldn't describe Lockwood as the typical teenager.
After the dinner I put on my trusted shorts and tanktop again, the outfit that Oliver had always known me in. Then we strolled down to the lake again where a little forest grew next to the beach we had been on earlier. A little path led through the trees to a house where kids had met from the beginning of time.
Oliver and I had hung out here with the other town kids until I went away.
We heard loud music playing through the trees, people laughing, beer bottles clinking.
"That's probably not apple juice in those bottles, huh?" Lockwood had raised his brow.
I chuckled, "Probably not. Everyone in this town can probably drink a Londoner under the table."
"You too?"
I hesitated, "Nah... Didn't want to become like my dad. Sometimes I drank a little, but usually I had to take someone home."
He stared at me, "You drank. Alcohol. With 14."
"Just a little. Believe me, there are worse cases here."
I could feel his surprised look on me and for some reason I felt a little proud. For once it was him that found out stuff about me and not me desperately clasping for any information about him.
"LUCY! Heyyyyyyyy." Oliver jumped towards us and pulled me into a hug.
I could smell beer on and laughed, "Ugh, mate!"
A few other kids waved at us, a few familiar faces. I thought of my friends at Jacob's and how they would have been here, too, me with them. Then I looked at Lockwood and wondered if this was all meant to be.
"I need to show ya somethin..." Oliver grabbed me by the arm and pulled me towards the tree house.
I turned to Lockwood, "I'll be right back. Can you get us something to drink?"
He seemed confused, "Uhh... Lucy...?"
But I was already going up the ladder, "It will be just a few minutes!"
It smelled of beer and cigarettes upstairs, Oliver rummaged in a box beneath a window.
"There!" he pulled something shimmery out out.
"Ohh, the tiara I married you in!" I laughed.
He put it on my hair, "My beautiful bride! Come here!" he took my hand and pulled me to his chest.
Okay, that was very close. He bent down to my face and closed his eyes. Oh hell no.
"Uhh, Oliver?! I have a boyfriend remember?"
"That pipe cleaner with ears?" he rolled his eyes.
I pushed him away. Seriously, that was what he had thought all the time? That I would bail on my boyfriend for a smelly idiot with beer breath?
"That 'pipe cleaner' is my friend and he has probably twice as much class as you! Sober up before you talk to me the next time." I ripped the tiara off my head and threw it to him, then I turned around and left without another word.

Lockwood's POV:

She ran towards me and grabbed me by the sleeve," Let's go to the beach. "
I tried my best to not spill the Arizona I was holding," Uh... Okay?"
She dragged me through the forest bit onto the beach where she sat down between the pebbles and let out a big sigh.
"L-Lucy? What's wrong?"
She seemed angry, something must have happened with Oliver.
She ruffled through her hair, "Ugh, nothing... He wanted to kiss me."
I felt my heart make a jump, so apparently I wasn't entirely paranoid. But I still didn't like it, not at all.
"And you didn't want that?"
She hesitated, "For a second maybe, but then he called you a pipe cleaner?"
"Excuse me?"
She chuckled, "I'm sorry."
I rolled my eyes, "Doesn't matter." I sat down next to her, "So...can I tell you a secret?"
She sighed again, "Yeah, go for it."
"I'm glad you didn't kiss him. To be honest, I got a little jealous. You know, my girlfriend having eyes for another guy."
She laughed, but I was dead serious. I just obviously didn't tell her that.
"So all the boys are after you, huh?" I took a sip from the icetea bottle.
She shook her head, "No, not really, I was always the best friend. I think they were scared of me back in the days."
I nodded, "Hm, I don't blame them."
She bobbed me in the shoulder, "Ha. Ha. So how about you? I bet you could charm every girl into doing what you wanted them to."
I blushed, "Not really. The weird kid with the dead parents is a better description. Oh and I had braces."
Her eyes widened, "You're kidding, right?"
"Nope. Where do you think these perfect pearly whites come from?" I flashed her my best smile.
For some reason she blushed now, smiling back, brushing her hair behind her ears. She looked cute all embarrassed with her rose cheeks.
She kept looking into my eyes, somehow seeming to get lost while doing so.
We sat like that for what felt like ages. It was dark but I couldn't stop looking at her, especially her lips. I had the strongest urge to kiss her, but eventually she looked away and got up, "Come on boyfriend, we have a wedding to attend tomorrow."
I cursed myself for not taking the opportunity. Why couldn't I just go for it? Why did I have to be so scared?
It was definitely not the fact, that I was worried about Lucy's reaction since she didn't let go of my hand all the way back to the hotel.

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