Stuck To You

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First of all: Thank you all so much for all your comments, your likes and your reads! I'm super happy that you guys love the story so much and I'm sorry that I didn't update in such a long time! I will try to update more often but I don't want to promise anything since I haven't written this story in so long and it's hard to get back in. I will try still since your support has been incredible! Love you lots! Xxx

Lucy's POV:

"A  reAl COuPLe?" bursted Holly out and nearly yanked her salad of the table when she drew her hands to her mouth in excitement.
"Yeah." I just answered and watched George's reaction closely.
He had been frowning throughout the entire explanation of how Lockwood and I came to be. Holly wanted to know every detail of course, but Lockwood and I had agreed silently to leave our...experience the other night out.
Still, obviously she was super excited now, "Oh my GOD! I knew it! I knew you guys would fall in love when Lockwood told me about the bet! Ugh, I'm so happy for you two!"
George raised a brow, "Holly, I hope you didn't seriously think that they fell in love just now. This has been going on for two years now, I'm just glad you finally got your act together. It almost hurt my brain to see you two prance around each other like bloody wolves."
"Wolves don't prance." I said.
"I don't prance!" Lockwood said.
"Would you please not become one of these disgusting couples that always swallow each other's faces?" Kipps complained sneeringly.
"I wasn't going to, but now I just might." I gave him an icey smile.
"No one is swallowing anyone!" Lockwood interfered, "Can we talk about the case now please?"
"Yes please." George agreed, he didn't seem as excited as Holly, but fairly more than Kipps who just rolled his eyes and sighed.
"So that's what I found out." George had already finished eating his breakfast, still his eyes kept wandering over to the hotel buffet.
"Our objective is the past vicar of the town. He jumped off the roof and is now stuck at that house." George pulled a few newspaper articles out of a folder, "News say that he did a lot of charity work with the kids and just last year he spent 4000 pounds worth of church money on the local community center to help renovate it."
"Sounds like lovely guy." Holly assumed.
"Yeah." I agreed, then turned to George, "Any dirt on him?"
He shrugged, "I couldn't find anything. He really seems to care for his town, I just found a bunch of articles about his good deeds, but that's all."
Lockwood frowned, "Hm. Anything about the building?"
"Not really, there was an angry witch that had been burned at the stake three years ago, but the local business took care of it." George showed us an article about the case.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw my past boss Jacob's face on the low left corner. He looked as tired as I remembered him."I remember that case. I was on my way out when they got it. I wouldn't necessarily trust that man's judgement." I added, swallowing dryly.
The others looked at me, I shrugged, "Just saying."
Lockwood nodded, "Alright. I'd say we go in tonight to check out what we're up against. Make sure no witch interrupts us at work."
"There's one thing that bothers me." Quill said slowly.
George groaned, "There's always something bothering you, my guy. You should try Yoga perhaps."
Kipps ignored him, "Would a vicar really commit suicide? Isn't that a sin?"
Lockwood bit his cheek pensively, "Yes it most certainly is..."
I frowned, "You guys think he didn't kill himself?"
"I don't know." Lockwood rubbed his chin, "That's why I need you to listen closely tonight Lucy, maybe the old vicar can explain us more."
"Too bad the skull is gone, we'd could him right now." Holly mumbled.
"You haven't told them?" an outraged whisper said in my head.
I gripped my fork tightly, startled as I was from his sudden appearance. He hadn't talked to me ever since yesterday, so I could have almost told myself that I had just made it up in my head. Lockwood had asked me if I had been okay, but since the skull had immediately fallen silent again right away I had just waved it aside, knowing very well that I that the chances of this being a hallucination were low.
"Lucy is a splendid Listener without her personal psychopath constantly on the phone." Lockwood sighed.
"Oh Locky, if you'd only knew. Why aren't you telling him, Lucy?"
"Of course you are, I'm sorry Lucy!" Holly smiled apologizingly.
"Are you worried that I'll listen to you guys making out or what?"
I breathed deeply to ignore the voice, "No it's fine Holly. Would you guys excuse me for a second?"
I got up from the breakfast table and sped towards the bathrooms while trying to still look innocent and relaxed.
When arrived at the destination I raced into one of the stalls and slammed the door shut. I waited for a moment, but no one else was there.
"What the hell? Why are you in my head??"
"Because you are the closest thing I could find to a source. Since my cozy skull has been left to rot."
"Oh god, please tell me you're not stuck to me 24/7." I rested my head in my hands, I felt like everything was spinning.
"Obviously not, otherwise I would have entertained you for a while longer yesterday. Although I could have really spared myself the view of him soaking you in saliva."
I breathed relieved. Good. So he hadn't been there for...the thing.
"So what, you're free now?" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not entirely sure what I am, but here, isn't that what matters? That we're all back together like in the old days?" he chuckled mischievously.
"I'd still like to know how you're in my head and most importantly: how I get you out. You said I'm your source? Wouldn't I be dead by now if you're stuck to me?"
"Huh. Who knows, give it time. What? I'm just kidding! Or am I?" another chuckle, "Okay, real talk: I don't know how I'm still here, but somehow I am. I think I was blasted to pieces by the horrible lady's watchdog ghost. After that I just remember floating somewhere in between dimensions. I saw stuff from a birds eye perspective and strolled through the city to find you."
"Why?" I sighed.
"Why not?" he sulked "We're besties! Anyway, when I found you you didn't hear me and at first I thought I was being ignored as always, but then I realized that you didn't even react to my Lockwood accent that always gets your eye twitching, so I had to find a way."
I nodded slowly and asked defeated "And how did you do it?"
"Tell you so that you throw me out? Figure it out yourself!"
I groaned and rubbed my temples. Great. I'd definitely have to tell George, maybe he had an idea. But not yet Lockwood, he'd probably be furious. Lovely.
"Will you at least help me out with the case?"
"Well, I live to be a good Samaritan"
"Thanks. And now, are you planning to stay in my head for today?"
"Depends, will you make out with Lockwood again?"
I smirked, "Perhaps. I'm sure it will be pretty warm today so he'll have to take a shower. Maybe I'll jump in with him..."
"Alright, talk to you later, byeeee."


Sorry for any plot holes, I'm not back in the story 100 percent yet!

Ps: who noticed the Harry Potter reference? :D

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