Let's Make A Bet

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Lucy's POV:

It was eight in the morning when we left Portland Row. I hadn't slept much, I kept thinking about my family, my sisters and my mum. My mother had never been the cozy, loving type and my sisters were... Well, there simply were six of them which already made a lot to take in for an orphan without any family.
Victoria, the oldest, was 28 and had always been the protective one, she was more mum than my actual mum. Dana was 26, she moved out at the age of 18 and lived with her weird hippie best friend in Newcastle who sold dreamcatchers.
Susan, 24, worked at the local dentist in my hometown and volunteered at the animal shelter in her free time. She would also probably sacrifice her soul to save a cockroach's life, which impressed and also annoyed me big time.
Harriet was 23 and what can I say, Kat Godwin was an Oscar worthy actress compared to her. Harriet didn't inherit the stubbornness of the Carlyle family, she agreed to everything if you justified it with the will of God. I had never been very close to her, she scared me a little, also she didn't approve of the fact that I made my money by stabbing the souls of the dead.
Kate, 21, had followed my mum's footsteps, she had taken over her job when my mother had left work due to her bad knees a year ago. Kate still lived at home and supported her, we were thankful for that since no one really wanted to do so.
Mary was my closest sister with 19 years. She was the pretty one, boys had been chasing after her ever since I could remember. I was jealous of that of course, but she still was my favorite and I was most excited to meet her.
Lockwood and I were standing at the station platform, it was hot, obviously, on the 1st of July. I was wearing shorts and a tanktop, but still sweated while Lockwood looking as fresh and clean as always despite his shirt, vest and long trousers.
We were looking for our compartment as he called out, "Ah here we go, 123 B."
We heaved our bags onto the train, me obviously refusing any help. He smirked and knew better than to insist. We spread our stuff in the cabin and finally settled in. The train departed a little bit later and now we made our way through the British countryside.
After a while Lockwood closed his magazine, "So, what do I have to prepare for when we arrive Carlyle ville?"
I rolled my eyes, "It's not Carlyle ville!"
He grinned, "Fine, Carlyle Town. Question's still standing."
"Well, it's gonna be a lot of girls, I guess."
He raised an amused brow, "I'm okay with that. What else?"
I shrugged, "They're all very...open. They have little sense for privacy."
Lockwood nodded, "Hmm, big family, no space for privacy, I guess."
I bit my lip trying not to blush, "Also they will probably think that we're a couple, no matter how many times we say that we aren't."
He didn't answer right away, then he leaned forward, fingertips on his lips, "I propose a bet. Loser has to do the dishes for a month, winner doesn't have to do anything."
I squinted, "What bet?"
He smiled, "We act as a couple for those three days, whoever breaks first, loses. This way we avoid all the questions and discussions."
I hesitated, "Are you serious?"
"Why, are you scared?"
I leaned back in my chair, thinking about his suggestion. He was right, avoiding the questions was definitely a goal of mine, but acting as a couple? Could get awkward soon. But also that meant that Mary couldn't hit on him. Not that I cared.
I tilted my head, "Fine. The game is on, prepare to lose, my darling."
He took my hand and kissed it, "Oh Sweetie, you'll find out that I'm the best son in law anyone can imagine."
I tried not to giggle like a little child, but he made it hard with his stupid smile.

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