Past And Future

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Heeey im back! Thanks to everyone who comments, really means a lot! (I'm looking at you Locklylefan :P)

Lockwood's POV:

It was way too hot for my liking especially considering that I wasn't planning on taking my clothes off. Was I being weird sitting on the waterside in a shirt and trousers? Yes. Was the fact that I was a pale stick underneath worse? Also yes.
Lucy apparently felt comfortable for once since her mum hadn't come along. In fact it was only her, Mary, Susan, Kate and me.
The girls were just getting ready, Kate raised a brow at me, "So you're just going to sit around fully clothed in 34° degrees? I mean, we northern girls go swimming at - 10°, but aren't you cooking like a lobster?"
I felt me face go hot (or even more hot if you want), "I'm not sure if going swimming in boxers is a good idea. Sounds...dangerously slippery."
Mary grinned, nudging Lucy, "Not that we would mind, huh?"
Lucy blushed, "Uhhh...ehehe..."
She obviously looked amazing in her bathing suit with those strong shoulders and wide hips. Jesus.
She sat down next to me in the shadow of a sunshade,"Sorry for my sisters, I get it if that makes you uncomfortable, I'm not completely happy with Mary's swimsuit either. I feel like everything is falling out."
Yeah, I had noticed that.
I smiled, "Shut up, you look good! Enjoy the water for me."
She frowned, "So there's no chance of you coming with?"
I shrugged, "Maybe another time."
"Lucy?!" a male voice said behind us suddenly.
We turned around to see a tall boy with blonde hair, broad shoulders and abs that apparently met Adonis himself. He had a strong jawline, freckles and was tanned so that every muscle on his body glimmed in the sunlight. And he was smiling at my girlfriend. You know what I mean.
"Oliver?!" Lucy got up and jumped into the boy's arms. Oh. Great.
She laughed thrilled, "Oh my God, I haven't seen you in ages! How are you? You look good!"
He talked in a deep voice, "I'm great, thank you! How are you? I heard you're still going strong as an agent?"
I had gotten up by now as she turned to me, "Yes, yes, I do! That's my boss and friend, Anthony Lockwood. Lockwood, this is Oliver, a childhood friend of mine!"
I nodded, "Boyfriend, actually."
Oliver waved at me, "Boss? Nice! And you're her boyfriend, too? Well, consider yourself lucky, she's a catch." he winked at her.
He winked at her.
I laid my arm around Lucy's waist, "I know, she's the best thing that ever happened to me."
He nodded, "Good, good... So you're in town for the wedding I assume?"
"Yes! Maybe we can hang out sometime in between? I'd really love to catch up with you!" she beamed.
She confused me, she was the last girl in the world that would want to "catch up" with someone. Even if, she wouldn't look forward to it.
Oliver grinned at her, "Of course, I'd love that! I just have to get back to my mates now. It was so nice to see you!"
They said goodbye and a moment later he was gone. Kate, Susan and Lucy went into the water soon after, leaving me and Mary behind.
She looked at me, "She didn't tell you about Jacob, did she?"
I didn't answer, just kept watching my girlfriend in the water.
Mary sighed, "She probably didn't want to unsettle you. They were close, you know. Got "married" when they were 6. But it broke off when she moved to London. She was never good at keeping in touch. So don't worry about him."
I raised a brow,"You mean I shouldn't worry about the extremely good looking ex-best-friend of her who she couldn't stop smiling at?"
Mary laughed, "Yeah, I know that sounds stupid. But you don't see the way she looks at you. You really don't have to worry. Given you treat her well."
I took a minute, just looking at Lucy laughing, splashing water at Kate. In the sun. Drops glittering on her smiling face, her hazelnut hair clasping to her cheeks.
Then I got up and started unbuttoning my shirt, "You know what, you're bloody right." and joined my girl in the water.

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