Morning Glory (that sounds so fucking wrong)

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Lockwood's POV :

I woke up from a rumble next to me. Sunlight beamed into the hotel room through the curtains and dipped the furniture in white light.
I didn't move yet, just located Lucy in front of the bed, she was getting dressed. Her walnut brown hair shone like gold in the sunlight and threw little shadows over her face.
Her hair was still ruffled from the sleep, she was just wearing her mickey mouse underwear with a black bra. I tried to close my eyes, but I couldn't help it, she just looked too beautiful.
She had those strong thighs, broad shoulders and a cute soft stomach. She probably looked like a normal girl to ever else, but to me this was the most beautiful stomach ever. And I hated the fact that I just couldn't bring myself to tell her that.
She picked up the jeans shorts from yesterday and hopped into them. I watched her squeeze her thighs in the trousers, then she turned around to the wardrobe and fished out a dark red shirt.
She reached around her back and started nestling on her bra. Oh god, I should really look away. This wasn't what a gentleman would do.
She opened the bra and let the fabric fall to the ground. I watched her pick up a fresh one, her back muscles flexed under her ivory skin.
She put on the new one, closed at her chest and turned it around. She wiggled her arms into the straps and then put the shirt on top of all. I fit tight around her waist. Thank goodness for summer.
I decided to officially wake up. I stretched and yawned loudly.
Lucy turned around, "Good morning sleeping beauty."
I yawned again, "Hmm... How long have you been awake?"
"Half an hour?" she run a hand through her hair, "I was just thinking, would you be in for some swimming? I'd like to check in on the town pond, maybe cool down a little?"
I sat up in blinked at the light, "I didn't pack a bathing suit."
She shrugged, "That's okay, you can go in underwear, it's not like we're fancy around here."
I hesitated, "Hm... Sounds like an idea."
"We could ask Mary and the others, too?"
I frowned, "I thought you wanted to avoid them?"
She shrugged, "I also wanted to stop being a bitch, so there we go."
I smiled, my work here was done in that case.

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