Jealous, Much?

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Sup, I finally made it, here's the next part!

Lucy's POV:

It was 5pm when we arrived at Newcastle. The air outside had cooled a little, the bushes were buzzing with bees and other bugs and it smelled of hot asphalt. Newcastle station was busy this time of day, workers were going home, teenagers hung around the kiosk after school and old people met at the café behind the big brick building. It was a typical summer day, but for my it still felt weird.
We were just heaving our bags out of the train when a voice behind us made us startle.
"LUCY!" I turned around just before I was pulled in a very close embrace.
"Mary! Hi!" I chuckled.
She let me go and beamed at me, "I'm soooo excited to see you! You look good!"
I smiled, "Thanks, you too!"
She really did, as always. Her golden beautiful flowy hair fell over her slim tanned shoulders. She wore a floral summer dress that made her look like a fairy, so light and shining. Her full lips and Bambi eyes gave her a absolutely cute flair. And it obviously worked on Lockwood.
He grinned his 100 % grin, "You must be Lucy's sister, hi, I'm Anthony Lockwood."
Mary's eyes widened a little bit more, "Oh. Ohhh. That's him?" she looked at me, "Hi, I'm Mary... Oh my God, Lucy, he's so hot!"
Lockwood laughed, "That's probably just the temperature outside."
Mary giggled, "Oh, and so charming. So that's why Lucy didn't stop babbling about you."
I tried not to blush, but failed miserably, "Mary, please."
She shrugged, "I told her 'Jesus Lucy, just ask him out' but I'm glad she didn't, maybe I will try now, sooo..."
Lockwood raised his brows, "Um, I don't know..."
"Actually we are dating." I grabbed Lockwood's hand.
He met my look, then nodded, "Yeah."
Mary gasped, "What?! Oh my God, I'm so sorry for hitting on him! You have to tell me everything on the way home! Let's go."
She signed us to go. We took our bags, Lockwood grinned.
I rolled my eyes, "What?"
He shrugged, "Jealous, much?"
I hesitated, then I passed him, ignoring him, "Tss, if you want to do the dishes, just go on flirting, I don't care."
I did care. Like, a lot.

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