Show Offs

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Weee I made a new cover for this one (ages ago now but I still wanted to brag although it's probably shit)

Lucy's POV:

Lockwood breathed heavily as Benny hammered the last riff into his guitar. Not only Lockwood, I, too, was a little out of breath. Strands of his dark hair fell into his seemingly black eyes whose devilish look accompanied his very self satisfied seductive smile. His perfectly straight white teeth do this thing to you that pushes all air out of your lungs when he grins at you.
Also he had taken off his jacket so that his slim upper body was enhanced by his (as always) too tight shirt, topped off with a elegant dark violet paisley patterned bow tie. He was seriously such a drama queen.
He jumped off the stage, elegant as a leopard leaving his tree to hunt his prey. I was the prey in this case since he walked up to my sister and me and laid an arm around me,"Sorry, I guess I couldn't help myself." he brushed his hair out of his slightly flushed face.
Mary raised a brow, "Well, you definitely made sure that every girl in here has to change her underwear."
He got flustered, "Oh... Uh..."
"Don't worry, buddy, I won't steal my sister's man... But Lucy should still be careful, look at Robert's niece undressing you with her eyes, Jesus, that's so not subtle." Mary rolled her eyes.
Indeed, a red-haired skinny girl in a floor length raspberry pink dress nipped at a glass of champagne as she smirked at my friend.
Lockwood sighed," She wished. Like, girl, that dress color?"
We both looked at him, he shrugged," What, it's true."
I shook my head, "Anyway, I need to change and then it's wedding time I guess?"
Lockwood and I left the hall, as we walked I nudged him, "Didn't know that you're a rock star?"
He chuckled, "Ah, that little bit of singing..."
"Little bit?! You blew every one away! Seriously, is there something you can't do?"
Lockwood ran his hand through his hair, smirking, "I suck at drawing."
I gave him the are-you-kidding-me-look.
He raised his hands in protection, "What? You asked!"
We took the elevator to our room where I nestled out the red glitter dress and locked myself in the bathroom. Okay Lucy, remember what Holly had told you about make up.
What was the first step again? Concealer? Foundation? Primer? Probably putting on the dress tbh. I wrapped myself in beautiful red fabric, then looked back at the mirror.
Did I seriously have to put on all of the stuff that Holly had shoved into my bag? No, seriously, all of this would melt off as soon as I took a step outside into the summer heat.
Fuck no, I decided to go with some concealer for the spots, some eyebrow stuff and a very glittery lipgloss. Ah yes, and highlighter on the cheekbones, I kinda liked that bit when Holly showed me how to do makeup.
Lockwood knocked on the door, "How are you doing in there?"
"Just one more second!" I opened up the two braided pigtails I had made earlier and fluffed out the hair. It wasn't perfect, but I had okay-ish waves so that I decided that it was time to face a fancy party.
I opened the door and stepped into the room where Lockwood was fixing his hair. He looked good, way too good. He was born into his tux, his dark strands of hair were elegantly (not too much) gelled back. I hated myself for thinking how cute my boyfriend looked.
As he heard the door, he turned around.His eyes found me and for a second he completely froze in every moment.
Then he smirked, "Show off."

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