Night Talk

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Hey, before I get started, just a lil question: would you be interested in a steamy/smut chapter? Because I have an idea, but if you're not comfortable with that, I'll leave it out :)

Lucy's POV:

It was half past one when Lockwood opened our hotel room door. My eyes were half open and there was definitely a drool stain on Lockwood's shirt that we didn't talk about.
"Come on, let's get you to bed.", he smiled. He took my hand and pulled me into the room. As soon as I was remotely close to the bed I just let myself fall into the soft sheets. Heaven. Sweet heaven.
"How about pyjamas?", Lockwood chuckled.
I didn't open my eyes and groaned. I was still wearing my shorts and tanktop, also Lockwood's jacket he had given me on the way home.
"Seriously, you are still wearing jeans shorts." I heard him grinning.
"Ughhh." I didn't even care anymore. I unbuttoned my jeans, then wiggled out of them and threw them away.
He was silent, I immediately regretted that decision. With some effort I wrapped myself in the blanket, still not opening my eyes. I felt an impact on the bed next to me, apparently Lockwood had laid down.
"So, do you also own Micky underwear or is it just that pair of Donald Duck?" Lockwood asked.
Oh my God. Oh. My. God. Fuuuuu...I had completely forgotten about that! I was so focused on packing good underwear that I had not put on a nice pair. Wait...
I slowly turned to him, then I frowned,"Oh so that's where you look?"
He opened his mouth to say something then closed it, then opened it again, "Touché."
I smiled, "You changed in seconds, how the hell did you do that?"
He was already lying under his covers, showing his bare pale shoulders.
He shrugged, "I just took my clothes off."
"Oh, you're...?"
"...Wearing underwear, chill Luce." he grinned, "If you can do it, then do can I."
I nodded and brushed a strand out of my face, "Sooo, what do you think of my family?"
He smiled, "They're great. I really like your sisters and I'm a little scared of your mum, but that's fine." he fell silent for a while, then, "Luce?"
"Why are you so uncomfortable around here?"
"I don't know. I just don't feel like home here anymore."
He frowned, "Where else would you?"
I shrugged, "Portland Row is my home now."
He hesitated, "So... Shouldn't you feel better when I'm around? Because I feel like I only make it worse."
I thought about that for a while.
"No. You make all of this easier. But also I'm not a big fan of oversharing about myself. I always feel weird. "
Lockwood laughed, "Oh really? I can't imagine what that's like."
I smiled, "Yeah, ironic, isn't it?"
We were quiet in the dark (Lockwood had shut off the lights) for some time. I saw his silhouette next to me, his skin was glowing like silver in the moonlight.
"Lucy?" I could feel his long slim fingers moving directly next to mine.
"You don't have to feel weird about oversharing. I like everything I learn about you."
I smiled to myself. I inched even closer so that I could feel his finger tips on mine.
"Good night, Lockwood."
"Dream well, Luce."
I did.

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