The Perfect Dress

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Lucy's POV:

"Girl, I don't know about you, but I want you to outshine everyone." Holly tugged on the blue dress I had worn at the Fittes Party. She examined it with a critical expression and then shook her head.
I laughed, "It's a wedding, I'm not supposed to shine, the bride is."
She rolled her eyes, "Fiiine. But still, you can't wear that."
"Why what's wrong with it?"
"Honey, that thing is so two years ago. Let me lend you a dress of mine, please, just trust me."
I frowned, "I will never fit in your clothes, you're at least two sizes smaller."
Holly gave me a pensive look, "Lucy, you seriously need to work on your self esteem. Just try it, I'll bring a few over later. I'm downstairs if you need me."
She left my attic and I turned back to my overflowing suitcase. I was terrible at packing and I always left it to the last day. Lockwood and I had planned to leave with the train the next morning so that we arrived in my hometown around afternoon. I was scared for Lockwood to meet my family, what if he thought we were weird? What if we seemed like a bunch of medieval northerners compared to his London elegance?
I threw a few things in the suitcase and closed it with a sigh. I heaved it down the stairs to the entrance hall and left it there next to Lockwood's travel bag, then I went into the library.
"Hi Luce." Lockwood was reading a novel, George was busy with case files and ignored me.
"Is Holly already gone? She wanted to get some things..." I sat down on the couch.
"Yep, she just left. Are you done packing?" Lockwood smiled.
I shrugged, "I've probably forgotten at least three things but yeah."
He chuckled and went back to his novel, so I just sat and cuddled up the cushions, resting my eyes a little.
After an hour I heard Holly in the hallway, so I got up. She carried two bags full of clothes and handed me one so she could put off her shoes. We went upstairs where we unpacked the bags.
Her eyes were beaming, "Okay, so the black one is tight and very formal, the mint one is flowy and the red one is glittery and fancy. The rest is stuff that doesn't suit me and would look better on you, so you can keep it."
I was a little overwhelmed, "Er... Thank you?"
She sat down on my bed, "Go on, try them!"
I took out the black one and went to the bathroom with it. It was tight. Like, second skin like.
"Hmm no. Not your style, too boring, try the mint one." Holly squinted disapprovingly.
I followed the instruction and trotted back to the bathroom, mint dress in hand. This one felt better, light and fairy like. A belt tied the soft fabric a little tighter and gave me a slight waist. I looked even paler than usual, but at least it felt okay.
"Oh yes, yes, way better. Take that with you. And now the red one."
Again I did as I was told. The next one was...special. It had little rhine stones on the chest bit, a little dramatic, but not too much. It was cherry red and had no straps. The top bit was tight, the skirt fell loosely. I...liked it.
"Oh hey! You look like a princess! You definitely have to wear that! No actually, you have to keep it, it belongs on your body!" Holly smiled.
I hesitated, "Wait, you mean... No, I can't take it, it's yours!"
He shrugged, "And now it's yours! And like I said, go through the other stuff and keep what you want!" she gave me a warm look, "You are so pretty, Lucy, you just need to get a little creative!"
I caressed the red fabric, "I... Thank you so much, Hol, they're beautiful."
She smirked, "Pshh, of course they are, I bought them after all."

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