The Bouquet

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It's been ages, I'm sorry, I'm writing this to procrastinate my uni application, so bare with me ahahaha *dying inside*

Lucy's POV:

I heard Mary call out for me as I rushed out into the garden, but I didn't want her to see me cry. I hate crying. I especially hate it when I do it and it was even worse now since I was seriously crying about a boy.
I stepped out onto a stone terrace that adjoined to a vast lawn cornered by bushes and blooming flower beds.
It would have been a beautiful view in the afternoon sun, but I didn't see much through the veil of tears over me eyes.
I passed a few guests catching fresh air and went to a less crowded space where I sat down on a stone bench and tried to breathe.
"Oh god, Lucy, are you okay?" Mary's voice asked.
I didn't dare look up, "I'm fine."
She sat down on next to me and wrapped her arm around me, "Are you crying? Oh my God, because of that comment Susan made?"
"No... It's because she was right." I suppressed a sob.
"What? He cheated on you? WHAT? I WILL RIP HIS BALLS OU-"
"No!" I sighed, "Technically he didn't."
Mary frowned, "Wait...what? How does that work?"
I buried my face in my hands, "We...never actually dated."
"We had a bet. Who's better at acting as a couple. To avoid the stupid questions."
Mary took her time to answer. I could tell she was confused and slightly mad, after all we had lied to her.
"But...I guess it became real, did it?" she asked calmly.
I nodded, still not looking up. I was too embarrassed to look her in the eyes.
"Oh Lucy." she pulled me to her chest, "I could have told you that that would happen."
"I'm sorry." I sobbed, "This is all so stupid."
She held me for a few minutes, letting me cry into her shoulder. I was glad she was there, my big sister. She was over emotional, dramatic and attention seeking, but if you needed her she would let the President wait until you felt better.
Eventually I calmed down while she handed me a tissue, "Fuck him." she rolled her eyes.
I smiled weakly, "Yeah, I guess that's not going to happen now."
She giggled and ruffled my hair, "Keep your head up, little sis. You'll be okay."
I sighed and nodded, when a shadow cast over us so we looked up.
Oh God. No. Not him. Not now. Oh God.
"Hey, uh, can I talk to you, Luce?", at least he looked a little messed up as well. His bow tie hang loose around his neck, his two top most buttons were unbuttoned and his hair was messy. Also for some reason he held a huge flower bouquet in his hand.
Mary got up,"If you hurt her, I swear I will rip your throat out and serve it as breakfast. So be careful, bitch."
He raised his brows, "Of course."
My sister caressed my arm one last time, then left us.
Avoiding his eyes I stood up as well and rested against the stone hand rail of the terrace, "So?"
He leaned next to me, examining me worriedly, "Oh no, you cried? Because of me?"
Oh fuck off.
"Nah, I'm just allergic to bullshit." I rolled my eyes.
"Listen, Luce, I'm sorry." he scratched his head.
I shrugged, "For what? You just followed the agreement we had. I misread the situation I guess, it's not your fault that you don't feel the same. Although you didn't have to kiss me like that, you know? That was kind of unf-..."
He shook his head, "Can you please let me explain?"
His dark eyes pierced me and even now that I was angry, sad and disappointed they made my knees weak.
"Fine, explain." I finally fully faced him.
"You didn't misread anything. That kiss... Well, it was absolutely real. And I didn't flirt with her on purpose, I was just being nice to her until you came over."
A flash of anger shot through me, "Why the hell did you flirt with that girl then? Why didn't you just tell me the truth?!"
"Because the last time I tried to tell you that I'm in love with you, you left us for five months for fucks sake!" he blurted.
That shut me up. He had been in love with me for...this long?
"Oh." I said.
"Yeah." he said.
"I didn't know that." I mentioned.
"Well, obviously you fucking didn't."
"Do you know that it's so weird when you say the f-word?"
He raised a brow, "Is that really the topic right now?"
"Jesus, how do you expect me not to be awkward right now?" I crossed my arms.
He smiled at me, "You're so cute when you're annoyed."
Did he just do that? Did he just go from serious to awkward to flirting in under five minutes? Why was he like that? So obviously I blushed.
"What's with the bouquet anyway?" I decided to ask.
He sighed, "Victoria pulled me inside to throw the thing when she couldn't find you. I wanted to escape, but she basically hit me in the face with it."
Chuckling I tugged at a sadly hanging rose, "Do we have to get married now?"
He laughed, "How about I take you out for dinner first?"
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan." the rose lost a few petals that slowly floated to the ground.
Lockwood put the bouquet onto the stone tiles of the terrace, then he laid a hand on my hip and pulled me to his chest, "Can I kiss you now that we've discussed this? Because I'm having serious withdrawal symptoms."
Now, I don't support drug use, but in this case I couldn't say no to that.

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