Baby Pictures

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Thank you for all your nice comments and the votings! They mean a lot to me! :) <3

Lucy's POV:

The smell immediately hit me. The smell of my childhood. The dinner had gone relatively uneventful, everyone had something to tell so that the attention was drawn from Lockwood and me. For a moment it even felt comfortable to act all cozy with him. But now reality kicked me in the face.
I hadn't been in my mum's house for a year and being here now gave me a stinging feeling of nostalgia mixed with guilt. And the idea of Lockwood seeing my baby picture could be described in one word: Terrifying.
We were all sitting in the tiny living room, Susan had gone to fetch the photos.
Lockwood sat next to me on the sofa, he nudged me, "Hey, are you okay?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm great."
"You seem a little tense."
"I'm just tired."
He examined me with narrowed eyes, then nodded, "We won't be long. I just wanted your family to like me."
I chuckled, "Are you kidding? They've basically adopted you."
He shrugged, "I miss having a sister."
I immediately felt bad for being such a downer. I smiled weakly, "We could split, you get three and I get three. But I get to choose!"
He smirked, "Nah, George and you are enough bitch fight for me."
I wanted to protest but Susan came back with the photos. Most of them had been taken by Victoria or Susan since our mum had never really cared much about sentimental stuff.
Kate picked one out, "Awww look, Josy back when she was cute!"
Josy rolled her eyes, "Whatever. At least I didn't have a mullet."
I pointed at her, "Don't you dare it."
She grinned, fished in the cardboard box and pulled out a black and white picture. I tried to position myself in front of her, but she reached Lockwood and handed him the piece of paper over my head.
He broke in laughter, "Oh my GOD, that's priceless! The things George would do to see that!"
I blushed, "Shut up! I was 5 and Vicky ruined me! And don't you dare show him the swimming pool pictures! What is it with you guys that you always photographed me naked?"
Mary rolled her eyes, "You're dating, as if he hasn't seen you naked yet."
Lockwood and I shared an awkward look.
Mary's eyes widened, "Or has he?"
I shifted in my seat, "We've only dated for a month, okay?"
"Yeah, but you've known each other for two years?"
She had a point. I looked at Lockwood for help, he just leaned over to me and gave me a kiss on the side of my head.
"We're taking it slow."
I shuddered under his touch, the warmth on my skin. At the one hand he made me nervous all the time, but also he gave me a feeling of safety when he touched me. But I still didn't know how to make it through the next four days. The wedding would be the day after tomorrow and afterwards would spend another day here to celebrate. It was going to be tough.
I could hear the others talking about photos, but my eyes were slowly falling shut. There was no use in trying to stay awake. I could smell Lockwood's cologne, could hear Vicky laughing, could feel my beautiful boyfriend's arm on my shoulder.
I mean, beautiful pretend boyfriend.

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