The Band

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Sorry I took so long to keep writing, I have a certain scene in mind and I don't know yet how to write it, so I'll write another one meanwhile!

Lucy's POV:

Last night had been weird. I felt weird. Everything was weird. We had been holding hands all the way back to the hotel, but that was all. I hadn't been sure if he wanted me to let go, but he didn't let go either so I just went with it. I wasn't sure if he was just acting. He had been the typical Lockwood as we went to bed, distant and polite which confused me even more. All in all I wasn't sure what was acting anymore.
Today was the wedding day and I didn't have time to wonder about all of that. Everyone had a task until the ceremony, mine was organizing the band. They were supposed to arrive at five pm, right before the wedding would start.
Lockwood went to call home while I headed to the hotel festivity hall. It was a big modern room with a little stage at the end. Now it was decorated with red chiffon ribbons and white lilies. I hated myself for worrying if the ribbons would go along with my dress.
I went all the way through the hall to the stage where a few youths were just setting up instruments.
One smiled as he saw me and set down his guitar, "Hi!"
He was my height, had a peroxide blonde buzz cut and various piercings in his ears. His eyes were framed with black eyeliner and his shirt said "I believe in annoyed at first sight." in bright red on black canvas. I immediately liked him.
I reached out my hand, "Hi, I'm Lucy, the bride's sister. You must be Benny?"
He shook it, "Ay, that's what they call me. These are Piper, Sparks, Patrick and Gary." he signed to the youths behind him who were equally pierced or tattooed and waved at me.
I smiled at them, "Hi! So, you're the band I guess. I'm supposed to check on you. Do you need anything?"
Benny shrugged, "Nah, we just need to set up and then we're ready to go."
I nodded, "You think you'll be ready until six pm?"
"Yeh, should be fine."
"And you have the song list?"
Benny held up a piece of paper, "All practiced and ready to rock."
I smiled, "Very good. I'll get you drinks before you start, is that okay?"
He nodded, "Yup, thanks mate."
The hall door opened, Lockwood came in, "Lucy, there you are! You need to change, we have half an hour before we need to be at the chur-"
He stopped in the middle of the sentence, staring at the stage. I followed his look, finding Benny's jaw basically on the floor.
Lockwood finally stirred, "Benny?"
Benny's face lit up, "Locky?! Is that really you?"
I raised my brows, "Wait, what?"
They both ignored me and fell into each other's arms, laughing.
"Dude?!" Benny gasped, "It's really you? Man, you're looking fancy!"
Lockwood chuckled, "Yeah, like you haven't changed at all! What's with the eyeliner?"
Benny shrugged, "Chicks dig it, mate."
I decided that this was enough, "Hey! Can someone explain me what the hell is going on?"
They both stopped talking and looked at me, then Lockwood laughed, "Oh, eheh, Benny, that's Lucy, my girlfriend and Lucy, that's Benny, an old friend of mine."
Benny gasped again, "Old friend? You were our front man, dude, not just a friend!"
It took me a second, then: "You were in a band?!"
Lockwood cheeks turned pink, "Uhh... Yeah."
Benny patted his shoulder, "He was our singer, lead guitarist and also kinda our pr guy."
I stared at Lockwood, "What?! Why didn't you... What... Why did you stop?"
He shrugged, "I became an full time agent when my uncle died. I had to support myself somehow."
Benny's face went dark, "Yeah. Sorry about that by the way, I wanted to help you, but you went all silent."
Lockwood nodded, "Yeah... I'm sorry, too."
I was still confused, delighted and also a little mad. Mad because again Lockwood hid an important part of this past from us. From me.
Benny shrugged, "I understand it, of course, I was just worried. But eventually I heard about Lockwood and Co from the newspaper and knew that you were mostly making it... Anyways, a girlfriend? And such a pretty one, wow!" he winked at me.
Lockwood chuckled, "Hey, hey," he wrapped his arm around me, "Keep your dirty hands of my beautiful angel."
There he went again. Why did he keep doing that?
Benny laughed, "Dude, don't worry, I would never dare. Hey, we should jam together! For ol times sakes."
Lockwood shook his head, "No no, that's a bad idea."
I grinned, "Don't even believe for a second that I will let you go without hearing you sing."
Benny nodded, "Yup, same here."
Lockwood hesitated, then he sighed, "What, right now?"
Benny smiled, "Everything's set up, right guys?"
The rest of the band looked up from their notes, they nodded and waved at Lockwood.
Who frowned, "Where's the old band by the way?"
"Uh, we broke things off after you left. Just wasn't the same. But my new guys are just as good!"
Lockwood shrugged, "Prove it."

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