Pay Back (Smut Warning)

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Don't read if you're looking for cutestuff/fluff
So this is going to be steamy, but I know y'all are naughty lil fuckers, so here we go

Lockwood's POV:

She held her promise. All evening. Again and again she teased me here and there, knowing very well that I was going crazy. I had a literal hard time keeping my body in control.
It wasn't until 1am that she decided that I had suffered long enough.
We said good night to the others, not without earning a raised eyebrow from Mary, who had kept a close watch on me all night.
She dragged me to the lift and pressed the button.
Lucy didn't talk, but her look said enough to make my stomach tickle. She bit her lip, smiling, making my heart jump.
The lift arrived, it was empty except of a young woman who left. We entered, alone. The lift closed its doors, then set off. So did Lucy.
In seconds she smashed me against the mirror on the left side and kissed like there was no tomorrow. That was definitely a side of her that I hadn't known yet. I had been flirting with her for ages, yes, but she had always been very shy about it.
But not anymore since right now her hands were nestling open the buttons of my shirt. Her fingers slid over my lower stomach down to the waistband of my boxer briefs. For a second she took my breath away, her tongue against mine, her hands slowly working their way into my trousers did that.
The lift stopped at the first floor, she immediately pulled back and innocently leaned against me as if we were just a tired couple going to sleep.
Two middle aged men entered, apparently drunk, joking with each other. The barely noticed us. They also didn't notice how Lucy's hand slowly pushed down my waistband, covered by her body on mine of course.
There was a big sadistic grin on her face when her fingertips touched what she had been looking for.
I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out, I just stood there, staring at her in perplexity.
The lift stopped at the second floor, the men left before us, then Lucy grabbed me by the shirt and dragged me down the hallway. In front of our hotel room she let me go for a second, unlocked the door and then pulled me inside. She was fast and I still stupefied.
Lucy threw the door shut behind me and slammed me against it. She gave me another forceful kiss, then she pressed her lips against my neck.
Slowly my body started keeping up with what was happening. I laid my hands on her waist and pulled her closer. At the same time I started looking for the zipper of her dress.
Lucy was a step ahead of me, while I was struggling with opening her dress she was already throwing my shirt in the corner of the hotel room.
She was kissing my chest as I finally unzipped her dress. She wiggled off the top so that the red fabric fell onto the carpeted floor. Under it a black bra and panties were to be seen.
I giggled, "What happened to the Micky Mouse panties?"
She rolled her eyes, "Don't."
I let her open my belt, but kept smirking at her, "What, I liked them!"
She ripped down the trousers, "No, you liked my butt, that's a difference."
I grinned, "True."
Lucy shook her head smirking, then she collected me from the door and navigated me onto the bed. She made me sit down at the edge, then she reached around her back and opened her bra with a click sound.
Oh god. I realized that I had never seen boobs before and that I was in fact about to. It was not that I had a problem with that, not at all, just... I didn't know what to do. Actually I didn't know what to do at all.
Lucy hesitated, "Lockwood, are you okay?"
"Uh, yes, it's just... Don't you think we're going too fast?"
She tilted her head, "We have been dancing around each other for two years. If you want to wait, that's okay for me, but your underwear is saying something else."
I looked down at my lap. Well, she was right with that, for sure.
"Okay, but shouldn't we think about protection?" I reminded her.
She grinned as in that moment a little plastic packaging fell out of her bra, "I might have had a little discussion with Mary. I was so not surprised to find out that she isn't a virgin anymore."
I frowned, "How the hell did you do that? I didn't notice at all."
She giggled, "Oh, I think every girl that uses tampons could be an amazing drug dealer. So," she let the bra fall to the floor, "do you want to go on or wait?"
Oh. There they were. Beautiful. So beautiful.
I pulled her onto my lap, "How could I say no now?"
She smirked, "To be honest, I would have been a little disappointed otherwise."
She stretched out her middle finger and pushed me into the sheets. I had expected her to keep kissing me, but instead just sat on my thighs  examining me with an arrogant expression.
One of her hands slowly slid up my leg towards the middle. At this point I didn't know what to concentrate on anymore. Her beautiful face? Her exposed perfectly shaped breasts? Her hand on my dick?
Holding back a moan was not an option here any more. She chuckled as her grip tightened and I moaned again.
"I told you that I would pay you back." she purred, "That's for flirting with me all those months." she kissed me on the chest.
Then she pulled off the boxer briefs while tilting her head again smiling, then put on the condom, not without me wincing under the touch"This is for kissing me and playing with my feelings."
Lucy quickly yanked off her panties and climbed a little bit higher, "And that is for singing Panic! At the Disco while looking like Brendon Urie. You know I have a thing for long legs and dark hair, you little shit."
She kissed me, her tongue touching my teeth, her hand tightly wrapped around my dick. I moaned into the kiss, this was too much. My thighs were shaking under the tension, it wasn't necessary to say that I was incredibly hard under her touch.
She grinned as she pulled back, watching me out of eyes that glinted of hunger.
I had never seen her like that before.
She was dangerous, her body radiated desire. She knew that she had the absolute superior position here and she enjoyed it. It was so fucking sexy.
"You know, I already had the long legs and the dark hair before." I breathed into her ear.
"Oh, are we being petty now?" she raised a brow.
I buried a hand in her hair and kissed her neck, "Come on, you love it when I annoy you."
She rolled her eyes with her smirk licked her lips and then killed me off entirely by slowly grinding on me, "You call that annoying?"
Again I stopped breathing for a moment, it was as if my heart was pounding twice as loud. As I found my breath again, it was replaced by a moan, louder than the first. Oh god, this was good.
Just as I thought it couldn't get better, she finally let me push inside.
"Ffffu..." I had to close my eyes for a second to not freak out. My head was spinning, probably due to the fact that all my blood had left it.
As I opened my eyes again, I saw her face which only made it better. Her lips were slightly parted, she whimpered as she started moving on my lap.
I couldn't tell which one was sexier, her moans that slowly became louder or the fact that her breasts moved to the rhythm.
"Oh... My... God." she bit her lips.
Okay, the moans. Definitely the moans.
I grabbed her soft butt and pressed deeper into her. She inhaled sharply, her nails dug into my shoulder. It felt amazing, going deeper, the warmth coming with it.
Lucy picked up the pace, I knew that I couldn't control myself for much longer, not if she kept moaning like that.
The bed started creaking under us and started hitting the wall a little bit. Her left hand clawed into the sheets, but it was the way she threw her head back and held on to my shoulder when she came that sent me over the edge. All of the tension released in one moment, I swear I saw stars.
I let Lucy enjoy her orgasm by pulling her against me, but eventually she fell onto my chest,breathing heavily.
I gave her a second to calm down, then I kissed her cheek, "Holly told me to call her when we kissed... Do you think I should call her?"

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