The Co To The Lockwood

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Hey hey my dudes and dudettes! So after a century I decided to continue here, because of all the sweet and funny comments you left! Thank you so much, they all made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside 💞love love love!

Lucy's POV:

The rest of the team already arrived in the evening around 9pm. They were all sweating out of every pore when they chimed into the hotel lobby. Heavy duffel bags hung over their shoulders and George's head was red enough to pass as a chili pepper.
Even Holly's hair seemed to be a little loose and her flawless eyeliner was smudged on the left side.
That didn't keep her face from lighting up when she saw Lockwood and me coming out of the elevator, "Hey there!"
Her eyes fell on his and my hand intertwined, she pursed her lips, "I thought the bet was over after the wedding?"
"Oh, ah... Well... I'll explain later." Lockwood laughed nervously, "Anyway, you look tired. I'd say we get the gear into the rooms, you guys take a shower and we'll meet to catch up about the case here in the lobby around ten?"
Holly's look jumped between Lockwood and me, so I slowly let go of his hand and tried to make an innocent face.
Before our friends could interrogate any further, Mary pranced into the room in all her freshly washed summer dress glory.
"Ah, your friends! Hi, I'm Mary! You must be George and then you're Quill. And you are Holly, of course." she reached out hands and shook them, then she turned around to Lockwood and me, "I'm going to my room now, do me a favor and hold yourselves back tonight."
Lockwood and I exchanged a look, he swallowed dryly, "Um yeah, let's get those bags in the lift."
George raised a brow at Mary who was just climbing up the stairs, "What was that about?"
"Uh, like I said, I'll explain later." Lockwood quickly brushed it off.
"So how was the wedding?" Holly asked as all bags were stored in the tiny cabin.
"Um...nice." I said, "Yeah, quite nice."
"Lovely, it was a nice party." Lockwood agreed.
"Did something exciting happen?" Holly kept urging.
Lockwood's hand brushed over mine, just a second or two. He winked at me, "Ah, you know. Just the usual wedding stuff."
We reached our floor and heaved one bag after the other out onto the landing until everyone was sweaty again.
"Okay, I'll take those two bags in our room, I'm afraid the rest won't fit in though." Lockwood and I each grabbed one duffel and had already turned to our room when Kipps spoke up, "Wait- our room? You guys are sharing a room?"
Holly grinned, "Oh, right, I didn't tell them yet. But... You'll explain later right?"

"So... How will we explain them?" I asked while Lockwood stacked the two bags on the little desk.
"Well, we should just... Go for it." he shrugged, "Right?"
I rolled my eyes, "Holly will have a heart attack if we just blast it out like that. Oh God, George will be a pain in the ass."
Lockwood laughed, "Lucy, you're worrying too much about this. They'll have to deal with it."
I ran my fingers through my sweaty hair, "Ugh. Why does this have to be so complicated?"
He sat down on the bed and reached a hand out to me, "Come here."
"First my family and now the others..." I let him pull me closer, "...Why does Why can't I just kiss you without at least 3 people losing their minds over it?"
He made me sit and lifted my chin with his thumb, "Well, you could just kiss me now?"
That made me smile, "You're so cheesy."
He nodded, "Hm, I know. I solely exist to make you uncomfortable."
"You excel in that." I agreed, trying to not light up bright pink under his dark eyes.
Lockwood wrapped a hand around my neck and pulled me into a soft kiss. It wasn't long but enough to spark some butterflies in my stomach. Oh Lord, he smelled good.
"I'll never get tired of this." he whispered.
"We've only done this for two days, so hold your horses, buddy." I raised a brow.
"Hm, right, I guess we'll have to keep doing it for a while if you don't believe me." he mumbled with a grin and kissed me again.
"I guess so. But we'll still have to find a way to tell the others." I dodged his attempt to push me onto the mattress. I could feel him roll his eyes behind my back, but the thought of crumbs falling out of George's mouth while Holly bounced up and down in her chair like a chinchilla didn't necessarily get me into the mood.
"Fine", Lockwood sighed, "Although Holly is probably already expecting something. I talked with her on the phone about the whole bet thing."
"Good, that's good! I can work with that. Only George and Kipps left and it's not like I give a shit what Kipps is thinking." suddenly I laughed.
Lockwood frowned with a smile, "What's so funny?"
I shook my head, "Oh nothing, it's just... The Skull would freak out."
The was a short silence, then Lockwood sighed, "Do you seriously still miss that thing?"
I shrugged, "He saved my life. And yours by the way. Although yours was more by accident I believe."
Lockwood smirked, "You know what the funniest thing is? I just tried to kiss you and I literally got cock blocked by a dead criminal who continuously wanted to murder me."
I turned around and grinned, "That's his peak performance. "
I reached out to the glass of water on the nightstand and nearly threw it through the room when a very familiar voice cut through my brain like a saw, "Oh, so saving England from that old witch was nothing against blue balling Anthony Lockwood? Wait- yeah, you're right, this is my peak performance."

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