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Epilogue time! ;)

"Mumma, I love Aditya Kapoor"

"Sigh! Don't we all?"


"Why are you screaming Aditi Mehra?"

"Wait who are you talking about?"

"Aditya Roy kapoor who else?"

"God! I don't mean him, the actor.. He was probably a heartthrob during your time but not anymore"

"How can you say that? He still looks hot!"

Just then Abhi walks into their room taking a break from the football match that he was watching with Purab and Aarav.

"My wife finds someone other than me hot! OMG what did I do to deserve this?"

Pragya rolls her eyes and Aditi chuckles at her favourite member of the family, she was daddy's girl after all.

"If I didn't find you hot we wouldn't be having two twenty five year olds at home now"

"You have a point there cutie"

"God you guys! Have all your romance later, after I am out of here! First listen to me please"

"T-Doll is in love?" (He calls AdiTi - T- Doll)

"Papa how do you know? Oh youoverheard"

"Of course not! Your face glows and I know someone else who used to lookjust like you when they fell in love,"Abhi turns andwinks at Pragya who blushes,(yes even after allthese years )and smiles softly.

"Daddy you rock! But your future son in law rocks too as he is therockstar!"

"You meant Aditya kapoor -the rockstar?"

"Yes Mumma, not your Mr Hot"

"You mean Adhu?"

"Yup daddy ,"she says and giveshim a high five when Abhi raises his palm for one.

"This is so cool. Our Adhu boy is going tobe our SIL! Such a sweetheart he is! I am so happy for you Aditi ,"Pragya says and hugs her daughter.

"Yay I know you would be fine with it!Daddy? You didn't sayanything!"

"Of course I am cool with it! Come on it's Adhu! He is already like familyanyway! It seems like only yesterday we had our first contract to design forhim and look at where he is today !"

Mehras are the official designers for rockstarAditya Kapoor's shows. Aditya started in a small scale first and slowly rose tofame with few of his albums and is now India's one and only rockstar. He has avery good rapport with the Mehras both personally and professionally..AbhiGyacouldn't be happier at their daughter's choice for a life partner.

"One question though, when did my T-Doll even find time to talk to him?Weren't you always busy with those virtual lectures of yours?"

"All credit to yourdarling Purvi. She works with Adhu's best friend (BTW they are seeing each othertoo), and she forced me to go with her to one of his concerts even when I toldher I have classes..then well, we met him and Adhu and I got talking when Purviditched me after a while to meet his best friend..well things took off fromthere, and his visits to our place helped too and he confessed yesterday"    

"Aww my Bachu is blushing!,"Pragya said ,kissing her cheek and Abhi smiled at them not able to believe how quickly his baby has grown into this beautiful woman sitting before him.

"Papa what are you thinking?"

"About how time flies.. It seems like only yesterday your mother and I saw you for the first time in the hospital and now look at you,talking to us about your life partner.."

The three of them smile,and share incidents from her childhood and have a good time laughing at Aaru's antics and Abhi's jealousy whenever Pragya made them her first priority..

Just then Pragya remembered something.."Did you say Purvi is seeing Adhu's best friend? "

"Yes Mumma! Cool na? "

"Does Bulbul know?"

Just then they hear a loud 'It's a goaaalll!" from the living room, a chorus from Aarav Purab and Bulbul..

"Omg I forgot the match all together! Come let's go there,"Abhi says and they proceed to the living room.

"Hey peeps! What secret were you guys talking without telling us?,"Bulbul asked, when she saw them coming out of the room.

"Aditi loves Aditya Kapoor,"Aditi informed everyone in general andBulbul's jaw dropped.

"You mean THE Rockstar?"

"Haan bua,"Aditi said grinning widely knowing how big afan of Aditya Bulbul was. (She switched between Bua and Mami whenever shespoke to Bulbul ;))

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