1|I'm A Dog Person

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Alexis's pov

Another night getting home at 10:30 I hate having to work until the mall closes

I'd have to go home and take off all my makeup and hopefully not get it into my eyes and I mean not to brag but I have bright golden green eyes with my coffee brown hair that laid on my collar bones as a contrast my eyes were easily my favorite thing about myself My lips are a tie too though I had full permanently pouty lips my top lip isn't very big but my bottom lip is big enough to have a curve under it

that then my boobs which are Double Ds but I am a little big I weight 175 pounds and I'm 5'6 so obviously I'm not the thinnest but I'm definitely not fat my chest is big my hips are big and my thighs and bum are big with a little pudge on my stomach but I don't think I'm ugly

Maybe not the prettiest but Not the ugliest

I sighed focusing on the road again I hated how the road to my apartment had no street lights and I had to pass a vast mass of woods

If I were to break down out here I'm like 99% sure I'd be devoured by wild animals

I leaned forward over my steering wheel seeing movement I squinted it was pretty damn big I slowed down as I got closer my head lights made the animal clearer it's a ....dog?

The poor thing was limping terribly I didn't have money to bring it to the vet but I don't have the heart to just let it die I pulled over the dog fell just as I stopped I got out and slowly approached

"Hey puppy Hey" I whispered "it's okay puppy it's okay" the closer I got the more the dog struggled to get away I shook my head "puppy it's alright I wanna help puppy I just wanna help" I got close enough to the dog to see it was a pretty black and dark brown dog but other than that it was too dark but I did see a patch of matted down fur from blood I didn't see anything major

"Okay puppy Okay I'm gunna pick you up okay?" I reached to touch it but it growled at me I held my hands up "shh shh I don't wanna hurt you" I said as soothingly as I could I pet it's head softly it growled still but I rubbed behind it's ear and soon the growling faded "I'm gunna picked you up now okay?" I snaked my arm under it and on it's behind I picked it up and grunted

It wasn't too much bigger than my nuk nuk but damn it's heavy I walked to my car opening the back door I laid it down and closed the door

I got back in the drivers seat I sighed knowing I'd probably be up a hell of a lot longer that I expected to be

My phone rang and by the ringtone I knew it was Nathan I answered "hello?"

"Hey can I bum off 20 dollars?" I groaned

"Hi baby girl how are you?" I faked his voice "Im fine it's lovely of you to ask" I finished "No Nathan no I don't just have money to give you okay?"

"Some girlfriend you are" he scuffed

"Exactly girlfriend not ATM" I made a duh time

"Whatever bye" he hung up I shook my head and threw my phone into the passenger seat

I pulled up at my crappy apartment complex I still lived a road away from the woods but I felt better cause I was on the second floor

"Okay puppy we're home" I got out and walked to the back I carried it the same way I did before kinda like a baby

I frowned the closer I got the light by the elevator I stopped at the stairs I gulped

I wasn't holding a dog... I was holding a wolf I swallowed hard and looked down at it it didn't move or bite at me I huffed and walked to the elevator stepping in

I get wolves are dangerous b-but I've already gotten this far

As I was in the elevator I saw the injury it had a very large cut on its right shoulder my arms started shaking carrying the extremely heavy wolf

I got to my door and unlocked it Nuk Nuk instantly came running he growled and barked

"Hush Nuk Nuk" I closed the door he kept going "Nuk Nuk hush!" I said louder he still barked

"NUK NUK BED NOW!" He stopped "BED!" He ran off and sat on the sofa I walked to my bedroom and speed walked to my bathroom I laid the wolf in my tub I quickly took off my shirt and put it in my hamper I pulled out my first aid kit

I sat down next to my tub the wolf was whimpering I pet him ,yes I saw his area now and it's a boy for sure, "it's okay I'm gunna fix it"

It was a long jagged cut on his shoulder blade I turned the water on very lowly so it stayed pouring into the drain and cupped some water pouring it over his cut he whimpered "I know I know" I started to clean up the fur around the cut the water turned reddish mud brown I pulled out the alcohol spray bottle and showed it to him "look it's okay" I sprayed it in the air as he watched the lowered it down and sprayed his cut but he snarled it took everything in me not to jump away I stayed calm

"I'm gunna make it better okay lay down" I went to pet his head and he let me surprisingly I smiled "good boy"

I sprayed the cut and smiled "it's not too deep" I washed it out one more time then bit my lip I pulled out an ace bandage and pet his head he closed his eyes and while he was relaxed I quickly wrapped his mouth he jumped up and whimpered l made him lay

"It's okay it's okay I gotta do some stitches" once he was laid down again I pulled out the needle and threaded it

I knew it had to be quick and I really didn't wanna hurt the wolf "it's okay I don't wanna hurt you I don't I'm gunna stitch this up then get you some food and water would you like that boy?" I pet him again smiling

Once he was pretty calm I stuck the needle through his head popped up and he growled but he wasn't looking at me I tried to be quick I stitched it up and rinsed it off I unwrapped his mouth

"Good good boy" I pet him and kissed his head turning off the water "I'll get some water and food" I stood up and washed my hands and undressed throwing my clothes on the hamper leaving me with just my bra and underwear I walked out I went to my fridge I pulled out some chicken I knew I wasn't gunna eat

Then a bowl Nuk Nuk stared me down as I made the bowl of food and a bowl of water I threw him a piece then walked into the bathroom again setting down the bowls in front of him

He started to eat the chicken I smiled widely "good boy I want you to sleep after this okay I'll put on the night light"

I used it to see my way through my bathroom at night

I started to wipe off my makeup hearing him in the background lapping up water after I finished I grabbed his bowl of water refilling it I turned on the night light and closed the door for him to sleep I pulled on sweat pants and a tank top I opened my bedroom door

"Come Nuk Nuk" he had been patiently waiting on his spot on the sofa he ran over and sniffed my legs jumping up

Nuk Nuk is a husky so he's a big boy he held my waist and sniffed me

"Nuk Nuk he's not even a dog okay? Calm yourself" I laid down and he followed pushing himself against me as much as he could putting his snout under my chin

"Nuk Nuk you're a jealous boy mm?" I pet him and got under my covers and he got in too "Night night my Baby boy" I looked at the bathroom door

"Night night wolfie"

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