55|Home Sweet Home

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Harry's pov

Mm strawberries I nuzzled deeper into Alexis's neck her hair making me yearn for the sweet fruit it smelled of I furrowed my eyebrows hearing something it was kinda like a soft whine

I sat up my eyes still closed before I realized it was crying I opened my eyes and got up I glanced at Alexis before slipping out the room into Luna's she was crying standing on her crib holding her rail

"Hey what's wrong mm?" I whispered feeling so bad my little girl was so disheveled looking her hair messy in all directions and a red blotch on her left cheek

"I d-dream bad" she sniffled

"Oh darling" I picked her up and put her to my chest it was 5 am so it wasn't time to wake up just yet "you wanna come lay in bed with mummy and daddy?" I offered

"Mhm" she nodded her face buried in my neck

"Alright let's go" I carried her back to our bed I laid down pulling the blanket up over us I continued to rub her back

"What was your dream about?" I whispered

"Da buggy man try eat me" she whimpered

"The bogey man?"

"No da buggy man he a moff" she leaned up on me chest looked at me

"A What?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"A moff daddy he not scared of my night wight he like it and he wanna eat me" she started to cry again

"Hey no no no one is going to eat you Luna I promise" I combed my fingers through her hair to calm her down I still couldn't grasp what bug she meant though "the light didn't scare him away? I repeated

"N-no he like da wight"

"A moth? You mean he's a moth Baby?" She nodded "oh you don't like moths my honey?" She shook her head

"They yucky daddy they wanna eat me!"

"Shh shh mummy's sleeping" I reminded "they won't eat you I swear they won't"

"NO They will and they yucky!" She hit her little fist on my chest I could see me simply saying it won't won't make her change her mind

"Lay down Luna I want you to go back to bed okay? its too early to be up" she laid back down and I wiggled myself to get comfy

"I missed you daddy"

I smiled "I missed you so much more my Baby"


"Hey" I felt a hand in my hair "Harry" I fluttered my eyes open there was Alexis sitting next to me on the edge of the bed "good morning wolf boy" she leaned down and kissed my forehead

"Mmm morning Baby girl" I smiled

"She woke up last night?" I nodded

"She had a bad dream"

"It's a good thing her daddy was there to save her from it" she moved Luna's hair back behind her ear "I've got breakfast ready pancakes and sausage wake her up and come down to eat" she kissed my head then walked off

I sighed and rubbed Luna's back "Luna wake up" I cooed "wake up my honey" I slowly sat up making her sit up in my lap with me I held her back so she didn't fall she rubbed her face on my chest and huffed quietly

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