4|So Wait No Mating?

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Alexis's pov

"Yes you're my mate" he smiled

"No no no no NO" I stood up and back away from the bed

He nodded crawling after me "Yes"

"W-what makes you think that?" I sounded slightly sassy but it didn't cover my shocked tone and face

He tilted his head again making a face that said 'I don't understand why you're confused' "you've nursed me baby girl and I've become fond of you and I've seen you intimately and you've seen me" he smiled widely "we've bonded and a wolf bond isn't broken I adore you and I've never longed for a touch as bad as I long for yours you are my mate"

"Uh I-I'm w-wolf guy person you can't just cl-"

"Harry, my name is Harry" he corrected

"Right uhh Harry humans don't do that you can't just claim to be my mate or something humans date ya know?" His scrunched up eyebrows and confused face told me he didn't know what dating was "we get to know someone more then 4 days before like professing some profound love"

He shook his head "no I don't understand you don't need more time when you've already bonded it is there I have affections for you already what would more time do?..." he trailed off then puffed his lip out "you don't feel the same?" He asked with a very hurt tone I frowned

"I-I uh I care for you yeah but I don't like... l-love you"

He frowned deeply "b-but I love you you don't love Nathan... you have no previous claim so why am I not a fit mate?" He tried to reason with me

"I-I didn't say you weren't... a fit mate" it felt weird to call someone a mate "I just- I like guys... h-human guys" I shrugged

He looked down and bit his lip "I-I am human I can act like the human male you desire I can please you" he nodded "you provide my standards you've got wide hips for child birth and a full chest for feeding a baby you are very pretty I can not see a flaw within you"

I got kinda nervous I admit I was shorta flattered it was a compliment though it sounded course and well... creepy I just didn't wanna create another Nathan situation I've already got one stalker I didn't need another specially not a supernatural guy "Harry I just can't d-do this"

He stood up "but I am a pure blood I have the best genes and attributes our pups would be the first non-pure bloods in my family history"

"T-then why fuck it up with me?" I frowned deeply trying to convince him I wasn't who he was looking for

"Because I can not change whom I claim to be my mate I don't pick and choose I felt this feeling for you involuntarily you are my mate" he had an angry face "I will get you as my mate no matter the cost I shall"

I teared up "p-Please I j-just wanted to help I-Im..." I slid down my wall I was nervous what if he took me and never brought me back? what if he-

"No no no it's okay" he whimpered he looked distraught he got on his knees front of me "baby girl don't be upset I won't hurt you I won't displease you I promise I'll... I'll prove myself to you"

"You're scaring me" I whimpered he made an audible dog like whine

"Alexis no Please baby girl" he backed up and stayed on his knees "I-I will go home tonight if that's what you desire"

I nodded "p-Please"

He nodded "if you need me just whistle and I'll be here" he stood up and changed form to the wolf like man he walked passed me and I peeked out and saw him going onto my balcony and jumping off I ran over and locked the door I watched him run back into the woods

I covered my face "I'm not dreaming I'm not crazy I'm... what if I'm drugged ooh my god what if I was poisoned what if I sniffed something and got high?"

I got up shaking my head and walked to my room closing the door Nuk Nuk just looked at me I crawled back on my bed "I-I s-should just sleep I-if I sleep I'll wake up and everything is... it's gunna be okay" I mumbled to myself

I laid back and pulled my covers tightly around me I stared at my ceiling still trying to comprehend what just happened

I stared until my eyes got heavy until I could stand keeping my eyes open anymore

I hummed and jolted groaned as my leg muscle twitched I heard a groan Nuk Nuk was aggravated I had moved so suddenly

I rubbed my face and squinted looking at the window that sun was high and damn was it bright in here I looked at my cable box


I frowned deeply I must have slept like a rock I got up bitting my lip trying to recall things I think are memories they are so vivid they must be

I stepped into the bathroom and looked in the mirror my shirt hung wide open I swallowed hard and teared up I felt so overwhelmed

I turned around my tub was empty my breathing got hitched

It was real it was all real

I cried for another 10 minutes before I couldn't cry anymore I had a migraine and my sinuses throbbed I wiped my face and just walked back to my bed

Nuk Nuk looked confused as I crawled back in I needed sleep I needed to calm myself down

I buried my face in the pillows desperately trying to make sense of all the scrambling thoughts I had Nuk Nuk whined and sniffed at my face nudging me when his nose to get my attention but he failed miserably

Maybe I wouldn't even see him again he probably would find someone else ,other than me, someone of his own kind to mate with

I'll just give it time

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