28|Lure Me

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Alexis's pov

I smiled as Harry finally walked into the room I opened my arms to him "come"

He crawled on the bed up to me and kissed me "you take forever" I whined

"It was 2 minutes" he shook his head

"That's 2 minutes too long" I rolled my eyes

He chuckled "needy mate" he kissed me again I bit his lip making him whine but he kept kissing I pulled away but he didn't wanna stop so it kissed down my jaw kissing my neck I gasped softly as I felt his canines on my neck "you smell so so good" he growled

"Mm because I smell like you" I twisted my fingers in his hair

He pulled away "mmm no you smell of pregnancy, of hormones, with my darling little pup and that gets me very excited" he smirked his growing fangs showed his excitement I giggled I bit my lip

"Does your mother want to see me?" I asked to try to kill his excitement just to be a tease I figure I let him have things too easily

His grin flinched "yes she does she wants to see you pregnant my father too"

"Aw we should invite them here they'd like that wouldn't they?" I bit my lip

His smile got wider and his fangs shrunk "you'd really be okay with them coming here?"

"Of course Harry you're so close to your parents ,our pup's grandparents, I want them to come here see our place I mean I'm sorry Harry but I don't think I could move into your den I just couldn't but they are welcome in our home wherever it may be"

He kissed me again "I knew you were perfect for me I knew when I saw you and you took care of me that you were my mate I've never loved anyone else" he nuzzled our noses together making me giggle again

"You're sooo lucky to have me" I batted my lashes

"I absolutely am" he agreed in complete honesty I bit my lip

"Will I be able to go to the doctor? Or will they be suspicious?" I mentioned to my stomach

"There's a doctor in the den who will see you he took care of my mother with me and my grandmother with my father" he nodded

"B-but he'll know I'm not half wolf like we say" I frowned deeply

"Well... I planned on telling my parents... while you're pregnant... I mean heavily pregnant" he mumbled his eyes kinda wondering away from my face

"Oh w-well I-I guess better late than never" I smiled he nodded back I gasped as I glanced at the clock behind him "it's 12:56 you've gotta be up early! go to sleep Baby I won't distract you" I pushed his chest to push him on his side of the bed "night night love you" I kissed his head putting a small section of the blanket over his chest

"Nooo let me hold you" he tugged my clothing

"You've gotta sleep!" I giggled swatting him playfully

"I'll sleep when you're in my arms" I gave in and laid next to him

"Okay now sleep" I poked his nose


"Mmm" I hummed my throat was so dry I sat up slowly Harry growled darkly as his arms slipped from around me

I got up anyway he can grumble all he wants I've got serious cotton mouth I slid out of bed slowly and walked to my kitchen I put my hand in my hair fluffing it out I pulled out a cup and filled it with ice cold water I gulped it down moaning in relief

I walked around sipping my drink I went to my balcony door to look out at the stars I leaned on the wall sipping I lowered my glass and furrowed my eyebrows I saw someone

In the road ,on that stretch of road I hate, but across that damn road is to the den of my mate I titled my head

He looked as if he was looking up toward me he was literally in all back in the middle of the road he's lucky cars barely ever use that road or he'd be hit he ,because of his stance he's legs apart hands in his pockets, looks kinda slouchy

He took a step closer and without realizing it I reached for the handle on the sliding glass door feeling over the lock he was still walking toward my place I stared then gasped and jumped

I'd spilled my water all over the floor and my foot I sighed and turned jogging my to coffee table putting it down I walked back and was wide eyed he was a hell of a lot closer I ran to my front door I flung it open and stepped onto my porch I looked over the cars

"Alexis hey what are you doing?" I squeaked and put my hand on my heart

"God Harry" I breathed I turned to him he grabbed me pulling me inside

"Why are you outside at this time of night?" He asked closing the door behind me

"There was a man he was-"

"A man where?" He cut me off his grip tightening

"Outside on the road" I pointed to the sliding glass door

"So you were going outside?! Alexis what are you doing you're smarter than that" he scolded

"N-no I was l-looking for the car..." I trailed off

He nodded and glanced back "you think it's him?"

I nodded "h-he was in the middle of the road in all black he was looking at our apartment Harry its not like these apartments are attached each is its own building he was looking here!" I pointed to the floor trying to stress to him the guy was a creep

"I'll go check you stay here" he kissed my head and moved me away from the door he swung it open and slammed it behind him I locked it then ran to the balcony to look for him after a few seconds he was in my view but the man wasn't there he looking around and stood in the exact spot where I first saw the man

He crouched down then shoot up looking to his right he stared then I watched him change and take off that way

I leaned over the rail trying to watch him but I lost him too I leaned off and fidgeted with my fingers bitting my lip I was getting nervous it was him I knew it Harry could get him

I stomped because after 5 minutes Harry wasn't back this is too much I whistled after a few seconds I saw his massive figure emerge from the tree line he ran full force across the road I screamed as he jumped over the railing onto the balcony he changed back slowly as grabbed my hand bring it to his lips

"It was him he came from the woods he's going in there in the other den territory I don't know what he's doing... I thought he was eaten..." he frowned deeply the made a more stern face "and you can not just open doors when you see people"

"I know I-I was just trying to-"

"No you don't try anything you come get me next time understand? You can not put yourself in harms way like that you're pregnant"

"Just barely" I whined

"Pregnant is pregnant" he growled "inside now" he pulled my hand toward the door I stepped in rolling my eyes "why is it wet right here?" He asked closing the door and locking it

"I spilled my water" I mumbled

He sighed "upstairs go"

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