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Alexis's pov

I sighed pushing the basket to my car loading in my bags then hopped in I glanced back at the food

What could I make for dinner tonight?

I sat there parked for a minute redoing my hair I hummed tapping my fingers on the wheel I was feeling grilled tuna sandwiches but Harry doesn't like fish I think he ate it last time though

I decided I had sat there long enough and pulled out getting myself into traffic

I started to sing softly to pass time I just got off work and went straight to the store I'm ready to lay down with Harry

I noticed a red car pull up behind me it was only odd because I think they were parked next to me too

I turned on the radio but got annoyed cause I kept catching red lights I huffed and leaned on my window I looked through my rear view mirror I furrowed my eyebrows the guy had blackout sunglasses on but something about him... I jumped when I saw green in my peripheral vision

I started driving but kept glancing toward him

I swallowed hard he was still behind me after 5 lights and 3 turns and that's just when I noticed him there behind me I started to drive away from my house he still trailed behind me

I felt my heart beating harder my hands got clammy and I squeezed my steering wheel readjusting in my seat

I jolted and gasped as my phone buzzed I answered eager to ask whoever to help "hello?" I mumbled

"What's wrong? why are you scared?" Harry's voice calmed me a touch

"T-this car has been following me Harry for almost 10 minutes" I glanced and felt like he was staring at me

"You don't know the driver?" He asked

"No I don't think so he's been on my tail since I left the store"

"Get as much space between you and him as you can okay? Pull into the woods, lock your car, and run to the Den okay my father is on patrol he'll protect you until I can get to you" I nodded he sounded so confident

"Okay okay" I whispered doing controlled breathing to try and get my heart beat down "you're still in that other den?" He had some kinda peace meeting

"I'm leavening now I'll be an hour are you doing as I said?"

I sped up more cutting off cars getting honked more than a few times "yes" I nodded

"Good remember straight always straight" he instructed "you're doing good calming yourself Baby girl" he praised "I'm getting in the car okay? are you near the woods?"

"Uhh yeah almost" I nodded

"I'm going to let you go okay you can't be talking to me as you follow the trail" I started getting panicky again "woah it's okay I will be there nothing's gunna happen to you get to my land and you'll be protected"

"Okay okay yes I love you" I bit my lip hard at this point I couldn't see the red car

"I love you too" he hung up as I heard his car roaring put my phone in my pocket I pulled into the woods getting my car into the tree line as much as possible I got out locking my car I started on a path walking squeezing a keychain on my keys

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