22|Plan B

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Harry's pov

Today is Tuesday it's been 9 days without her pill and nows the time I see if she's pregnant if she doesn't bleed I'll know she normally starts her period on a Tuesday or Wednesday

I stared at her spot in bed she'd gotten up to go to the bathroom we've just woken up and this is the moment of truth

The bathroom door opened and I sat up she walked to her dresser picking up her brush I crawled to the end of the bed and sniffed I thought I smelled blood but...

I hope not

"Are you bleeding?" I whispered

She paused and looked at me through the mirror "what?"

"Are you bleeding?" I sat up on my knees "I think I smell blood"

She frowned deeply "I am yeah" she shook her head and started brushing again

I was crushed

she stepped out of the room I just sat there my one chance was blown

I felt my eyes sting I shook my head and covered my face my emotions were betraying me I don't wanna cry I won't cry I growled trying to force the tears back

I got up and I couldn't handle myself I was so sad, so distraught, so guilty, so... angry I felt my claws growing my bones cracked and fur formed patches over my leather like skin I looked around and grabbed the standing lamp it was closed to me I yanked it from the wall and broke the stand over my knee I clawed the lamp shade to shreds

"HARRY?" I snapped my head to the door Alexis was there her hair all in her worried face "Harry w-what are you doing?"

I threw it down and my chest heaved I looked for something else to break I spun around

"Hey!" I jumped when she hugged me I growled darkly looking down at her

I relaxed as she run her fingers through my hair and laid her head on my chest "calm down it's okay" she hushed me

I wrapped my arms around her my clawed settling against her skin but not cutting it I felt my claws reseed but I still held her

I laid my head on hers and my body betrayed me completely now I started to cry

"Tell me what's wrong baby" she cooed

I held her tighter "I-I've been a bad boy a very very bad boy" I cried

"Why Haz mm? What did you do?" She rubbed my back maintaining her soothing voice

"Don't leave me promise, promise first" I pulled away taking my hands back from her to wipe my face

"Harry tell me" I shook my head

"Promise first" I repeated she nodded

"Okay I promise you" she looked annoyed I held my hand to her

"Pinky promise" she put her hands on her hips I shook my head "m-my mum and I pinky promise if we really really mean it" I pouted

Her face softened she locked her pinky with me "okay now tell me"

I nodded and took a deep breath "I-I gave you the wrong pills... I gave you the fake ones"

She cocked her eyebrow "sweetie no you did good the next row was the right one" my heart got heavier I lied a lot

"N-No I o-only said that I gave you the blue ones" her face fell

"Harry why?" She sounded mad

"C-cause I wanted a pup" my throat got tight as I said it

"Harry that wasn't okay that was horrible how dare you what goes on with my body isn't your decision!" She yelled

I backed away and nodded "I-I know I'm so so sorry I knew I was doing wrong b-but I was selfish"

"Harry I can't believe you" she crossed her arms

"I-It didn't work b-but y-you sounded like y-you would be okay with it if it happened b-but I-I feel so guilty I'm a bad boy" I cried again

"Yeah you are" it hurt but it was the truth

"I'm so sorry I disappointed you" she turned away to leave the room I gasped and ran over to be in the doorway "No no no you promised"

"Harry move" she snapped I shook my head

"Y-you promised you won't le-leave me" I hiccuped

"Harry what you did wasn't okay move" I dropped to knees and crawled to her hugging her legs

"I'm so so so so so sorry" I rubbed my face on her leg my more animal like instincts kicked in

"Get off" she didn't like it

I shook my head and held tighter "you pinky promised me!" I cried

She didn't say anything I swallowed hard and peeked up she wasn't looking at me I looked back down I kissed on her knee and thigh I nibbled a bit on her shorts

"Harry stop that" I shook my head no and nibbled more to try and force her to give me attention she swatted me I whined and kissed her legs more

She tried to back up but I held tightly pressing my face to her thigh

She sighed I jolted when her hand went in my hair I kept whining but it was a needy whine

"Come here Harry" I peeked up she didn't look too mad I hesitated but let go standing up

"What you did wasn't okay and I am mad but I'm not pregnant and I see this made you feel bad and you told me so I forgive you but you do it again I am leaving you understand?"

I went wide eyed and nodded "I-I won't do it again I promise" I stuck my pinky out she smiled weakly and pinky promised me

"I'm still mad but I'm not gunna shun you" she took her pinky back

"Y-you're so nice to me I don't deserve you you're the best mate ever" I was so relieved "c-can I have kiss please?"

She stared at me for a long time then nodded I smiled back and kissed her "I promise I'll be good boy the goodest boy Alexis I will" I kissed one more time

"You better be"

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